European Funds Consultancy

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  5. European Funds Consultancy

Our strength lies in taking care of the entire grant process for our clients to give you the best chance of success, from the beginning (identification, consortium creation) to the application and justification phase.

Find out if your company is eligible for European funding

There are five requirements that companies should take into account when applying for direct grants from the European Commission:

The company must be aligned with EU strategies. Therefore, in relation to these strategies, it is essential that one of the keys to obtaining this aid is the development of products or services that provide solutions to different environmental, social, economic and even technological problems that have an impact on society in general.

Showing the market advantages over the competition through products or services that are disruptive and innovative and that have technological components that no one has developed so far.

Have a credible and sustainable business plan based on their market. This business plan must provide a strategy that allows companies to make money and ensure that they have a high exploitation potential of the product that will allow them to grow in the medium and long term and also generate employment. All products or services offered by companies, regardless of their sector or area, must have a digitalisation component.

They must respond to environmental components, gender balance, circular economy, among many other things, and all of them must manage to involve the citizen in their activity in order to achieve greater coverage of their project.

We analyze your possibilities

    Company name

    European VAT

    Which is the size of your company?*





    Where did you meet us?*


    In order to assign you a suitable technician, please indicate the total amount of your financing needs and tell us about the project to be developed..


    I accept to recieve commercial information

    Experience in European funding?

    At Euro-Funding we are experts in European grant consultancy. We can take over all or part of the management of a project both at the level of consortium projects and projects for a single applicant.

    Our team of experts can assist and advise on all administrative tasks related to European grants such as establishing administrative management guidelines, compliance and monitoring of grant requirements, periodic and final reporting and preparation for audits.

    At Euro-Funding we assist numerous academic researchers by reviewing their grant applications associated with Pillar I lines of the Commission (Excellent Science). For example, we carry out reviews for the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Curie actions (ITN, IF, RISE,…).

    What are European funds?

    The grants from the European Commission can be up to 100 million euros for a single project, a much higher amount than can be obtained at the national level, although it is true that there are stricter requirements for obtaining them and a high level of competition.

    These funds are managed jointly by the European Commission and the EU countries through partnership agreements, which in turn lead to investment programmes that channel funding to the different regions and projects in the relevant policy areas.


    We analyse the financing possibilities of your projects without obligation.

    How can we help you to get European funding?

    It is essential to have specialists to guide you and help you manage the European Commission grants, and to ensure that your company meets the requirements established for processing these grants, which, if granted, can bring great benefits to your business.

    At the Euro-Funding consultancy firm, we provide support throughout the entire grant application process. Our team and network of collaborators are aware of the current regulations and policies, the changing rules and the requirements established by the funding bodies.

    At Euro-Funding we support you throughout the entire grant application process. 

    Identification and selection of opportunities

    Comprehensive, baseline analysis of funding possibilities and preparation of a customised roadmap for our clients providing information on subsidies and funding possibilities.

    Proposal writing

    We assist in the process of writing the proposal in line with the objectives and requirements of the programme. We walk with the consortium all the way through the preparation of the proposal, providing our knowledge of the call and the conditions to apply.

    • Technical and market feasibility assessment to check the maturity of the project for the selected grant and verify compliance with the requirements of the funding body regarding the project implementation period.
    • Support in the preparation of the Excellence and Implementation sections.
    • Coordination of the preparation of the Impact section.
    • Support in the search for suitable partners. 
    • Definition of the budget with the coordinator.
    • Drafting and submission of the complete online documentation.

    Project Management

    At Euro-Funding we recommend bringing in an experienced specialist consultant who can monitor deadlines, compile reports in a timely manner and coordinate the necessary actions so that companies can fully focus on the other (scientific and developmental) aspects of their project.

    Activities we carry out:

    • Revision of the project proposal according to EC comments. 
    • Support in the preparation of administrative and financial documents.
    • Support in all communications with the EC.

    During the project management phase:

    • Elaboration of technical and financial monitoring tools.
    • Financial monitoring every 6 months.
    • Support in the elaboration of Periodic and Final Reports (Technical and Financial).
    • Support in the elaboration and presentation of modification requests.
    • Advice on administrative and financial issues, Programme procedures, etc.
    • Compliance and monitoring of the Programme requirements.
    • Support in the management of the F&T Portal.
    • Support in the elaboration of deliverables according to EC quality requirements: editing (if requested) and submission through the F&T portal.

    Search for consortium partners

    We help you build a winning consortium by connecting clients and projects with our global network of SMEs, companies, researchers, universities, government institutions and others:

    • Supporting the development of the partner profile
    • Identification of coordinators and partners
    • Organisation of matchmaking meetings 
    • Follow-up of the partner’s contribution to the proposal

    Critical review of proposals

    A tailor-made service adapted to your needs and resources:

    • Detailed analysis of the specificities of the call for proposals
    • State of the art technology (excellence) 
    • Policy context 
    • Business plan analysis
    • Budget review
    • 1 to 3 critical readings prior to submission

    Strategic positioning service in EU programmes

    Increasing your participation in EU programmes:

    • Development of the positioning strategy 
    • Definition of the funding roadmap (biannual)
    • Identification of key coordinators
    • Analysis and recommendations on EU platforms, partnerships and partnerships of interest to be involved in
    • Organisation of the agenda of meetings across Europe
      Identification and participation in relevant events 
    • Tailor-made trainings on EU programmes and EU positioning

    Training in EU programs

    The European Projects Unit of Euro-Funding has a multidisciplinary team with excellent qualifications and experience.

    All its members are experts from diverse professional backgrounds: private industry, universities, technological centers, non-profit organizations, etc. This variety of profiles, combined with a wide range of areas of expertise, provides the team with very strong competencies for European project management services.

    Complementary services

    • Intellectual Property: Advice on the intellectual and industrial property of assets as well as support in the dissemination and exploitation of results by third parties.
    • Data Protection: Design and review of compliance obligations and privacy implications that may affect regulatory feasibility.
    • Cybersecurity: Advice on technology: cybersecurity, ethics, blockchain, algorithms, digital identity, digital signature, etc.
    • Compliance: Design and advice on ethics and compliance processes and policies.
    • Consortium Agreement: Preparation, adaptation of clauses, support in negotiation and proposal of alternatives.
    • Amendments: Taking appropriate action in case of changes to the work plan or consortium agreement and informing the grant provider when appropriate and preparing amendments to the contract when necessary and appropriate.

    We collaborate in the dissemination of project results including positioning and visibility in the ecosystem of public funds. 

    • Technical and financial guidance on R&D&I projects
    • Feasibility studies
    • Overall project management (PMO) and monitoring
    • Elaboration of business models, including business plans and preparation for pitching to investors
    • Advice on raising private capital
    • Innovation management

    Contact our EUROPEAN FUNDS consultancy

    Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

    Main European subsidies

    PILLAR 1: Excellent Science

    Marie Sklodowska Curie

    Providing researchers with knowledge and skills through mobility and training.

    European Research Council (ERC)

    Funding to support excellent researchers and their teams.

    Research Infrastructures Programme

    Empowering Europe through an integrated ecosystem of research and technology infrastructures.

    PILAR 3: Innovative Europe

    European Innovation Council

    Actions for the European Innovation Ecosystem:

    It contributes to the development of an effective innovation ecosystem at the European Union (EU) level and fosters cooperation, networking and the exchange of ideas and knowledge, developing national, regional and local innovation ecosystems.

    European Institute of Innovation and Technology

    EIT Food, EIT Health, EIT Digital, EIC Climate, EIT Innoenergy, EIT Raw Materials, EIT Manufacturing, EIT Urban Mobility, EIT Culture and Creativity

    European Public-Private Partnerships

    European partnerships are initiatives in which the EU, together with public and private partners, commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a research programme and innovation activities in a particular area.


    This horizontal pillar is cross-cutting and complementary and aims to promote the exchange and networking of researchers and scientific institutions to mitigate the uneven distribution of R&D capabilities within the EU. 


    In Horizon Europe, the EU will adopt 5 EU missions as a commitment to solve major societal challenges: 1/ Adaptation to climate change, including social transformation 2/ Cancer 3/ Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters 4/ Climate-neutral and smart cities 5/ Soil health and food.

    Other European programmes outside Horizon Europe


    The LIFE programme is the only European R&D&I funding programme dedicated exclusively to financing activities with environmental and climate objectives. Since 1992, more than 900 LIFE projects have been approved in Spain and 5,400 throughout the European Union.

    Innovation Fund

    The Innovation Fund aims to contribute to the EU’s economic recovery in an environmentally sustainable way, helping companies to invest in clean energy and industries and boost their economic growth, create new local jobs and generate a competitive advantage for the EU’s industrial sector.


    It is a nuclear research and training programme with an emphasis on continuous improvement of nuclear safety, security and radiation protection. It complements the achievement of Horizon Europe’s objectives, including in the context of the energy transition, and contributes to the implementation of the European fusion roadmap.

    Digital Europe Programme

    New EU funding programme focused on bringing digital technology to businesses, citizens and public administrations. This programme supports projects in five key capacity areas: in supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills and ensuring a broad use of digital technologies in the economy and society.

    Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

    It supports the development of high-performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services. In addition to grants, the CEF offers financial support to projects through innovative financial instruments such as guarantees and project bonds.


    Interreg programmes aim to promote territorial cooperation between regions and countries to contribute to their economic and social development and to tackle border obstacles. The new Interreg 2021-2027 has a total budget of €10 billion for the period 2021-2027.

    European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFF)

    EMFAF supports the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the EU Maritime Policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance. It provides support for the development of innovative projects to ensure the sustainable use of aquatic and marine resources.

    EU4Health Programme (EU4H)

    The health programme represents an ambitious response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but goes beyond crisis response to address the resilience of European health systems.

    Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

    The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) provides funding for high quality research, pilot and demonstration projects, which support the competitiveness and sustainability of future low-emission industries in line with the European Green Pact.

    European Defence Fund

    The European Defence Fund is the EU funding programme for research and development projects which aim to deliver innovative defence technologies and, ultimately, to contribute to the security and defence interests of the Union. Its main goals are to promote cooperation between companies and research centres, to boost the EU defence capabilities and to help companies develop interoperable technologies. 

    European Cascade Calls

    European Cascade Calls, also known as Financial Support for Third Parties (FSTP), are funding mechanisms introduced by the European Commission to foster innovation and research across Europe. This scheme allows projects funded under larger EU programs (like Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe) to distribute financial support to smaller entities, such as startups, SMEs, and other third parties, through open calls.

    Just Transition Mechanism

    The Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) is a key tool to ensure that the transition to a climate-neutral economy happens in a fair way, leaving no one behind. As part of the European Green Deal, the Just Transition Mechanism provides resources to meet the challenge of the transition process towards the Union’s 2030 climate target and the Union’s 2050 climate neutrality goal.

    Interregional Instrument for Investment in Innovation

    The I3 instrument aims to promote innovation through smart specialization and interregional collaboration. It must bring together researchers, companies, civil society and public administrations involved in smart specialization strategies established at national or regional level.

    Single Market (SMP)

    With a budget of EUR 4.2 billion over this MFF, the Single Market Programme (SMP) covers the single market, the competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, the area of plants, animals, food and feed, and European statistics.



    Programme to support R&D-intensive SMEs in the development of market-oriented transnational projects. Eurostars integrates specific improvement measures with the aim of reducing procurement times, cutting administration and achieving greater synchronisation and integration of funding.


    Eureka Clusters are international industry-led communities that focus on strategic technology areas that aim to meet market needs and solve economic, technological and societal challenges.

    Participate in community activities, access funding and collaborate on near-market projects.


    It is a funding programme with calls for (sometimes thematic) projects with countries outside our network. You can benefit from collaboration with organisations working in a variety of leading and emerging markets.


    The Network project programme facilitates collaboration between organisations in Eureka countries by offering the freedom to design your project proposal and build your ideal consortium. With limited eligibility criteria and minimal paperwork, participation accelerates your access to public funding.

    Find out what they say about our work

    Vaidas Palinauskas
    Vaidas PalinauskasNature Research Centre
    A perfect example of a 3 in 1 company: smooth process, professional and pleasant to work with.
    Elena Casiraghi
    Elena Casiraghi Università degli Studi di MIlano
    Kindness, experience, ability to understanding and integrate different research languages/views.
    Manuel Menéndez Muñiz
    Manuel Menéndez MuñizVIAS
    Very close team and well managed.
    Jose Manuel Rodriguez
    Jose Manuel RodriguezITAINNOVA
    Well organized work, with filtered request to what really matters.
    David Martín Gómez
    David Martín Gómez- Charles III University of Madrid
    I would like to point out that the elaboration of the proposal was steered with a lot of detail and efficiency.
    Tania Tisheva
    Tania TishevaBGRF
    It was great meeting you and I am looking forward to working with you in the future. The professionalism of your team is excellent. I am very thankful for the guidance and cooperation during the whole process.
    Alberta Aversa
    Alberta AversaPolitecnico di Torino
    cooperation rapid and effective.
    Samuel Martínez
    Samuel MartínezCircular in Motion B.V.
    Excellent team in place which has been instrumental in assisting the creation of a robust application, which otherwise would have been very difficult for us to complete it. Their understanding of the process, deliverables required, and key areas to consider, is essential to increase the application success probability.
    Daniel Edenholm
    Daniel EdenholmSysarb AB
    We would not have come this far without your help.
    Fleming Pedersen Dambo
    Fleming Pedersen DamboStaccato Technologies
    I couldn't have done the application without the support from Euro-Funding Their expertise and guidance was invaluable.
    Klas Ehnemark
    Klas EhnemarkKnowing Company
    Very positive to have strength in both business development and technology at the same time. Now we have a really good business plan.
    Pablo Pérez
    Pablo PérezAQUACORP
    The experience of working with Euro-Funding has been both exciting and demanding because. The level of the consultants has been professional from an emotional intelligence and technical speaking perspective.
    Manuel Grases
    Manuel GrasesFlexofibers
    I would recommend working with Euro-Funding. The level of professionalism is evident in the company. The process was exactly what we required.
    Cristina Ferreras
    Cristina FerrerasVenter Pharma
    Euro-Funding helped us in a very professional and efficient way in all the steps of the preparation of the proposal. We consider the proposal to be of a very high standard. Without their help, we would not have been able to have the proposal in time and with such high quality.
    Mátyás Péter
    Mátyás PéterMedres Kft. / Cardiosight Ltd.
    Despite a tight deadline, the team at Euro-Funding managed to accomplish the task and delivered an excellent grant proposal. It was a pleasure working with them.
    Håkan Wahlgren
    Håkan Wahlgren Zigrid
    Euro-Funding team of consultants is super dedicated, very professional, have a skill set that covers all aspects of the submission. The project management and the own effort they put into the job creates an inspiration to do your very best with the submission. A very good experience.

    Why trust our European funds consultancy?

    Integrated management/ 360° : Support throughout the process

    At Euro-Funding we offer support throughout the entire process of identifying, processing and justifying grants. If you have a project and you are looking for grants or subsidies to finance it, contact us and maximise the return on each project.

    Around 200 engineers with financial training make up the Euro-Funding team, spread across Europe.

    Network of partners

    More than a decade developing a continuous institutional work collaborating with different European organisations, economic agents, sectorial associations, etc.

    These alliances have led to different joint initiatives such as the organisation of events around Europe, the preparation of sectoral reports, etc. Our long experience in the world of public funding has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the bodies that manage the different public funds.


    We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centres.

    At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

    We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

    We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

    We have the seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised and expert support to companies through ACCIÓ’s aid programmes.

    Experience and results

    More than 25 years defining the optimal structure for each European project and maximising funding possibilities.

    We carry out an exhaustive diagnosis of the innovative potential and draw up a roadmap with ad hoc information on funding possibilities.

    In addition, we assign the best experts in our team to guarantee a winning project.

    Applications for grants processed in the last year:

    • EIC Accelerator
    • EIC Pathfinder
    • EIC Transition
    • ERC-Proof of Concept
    • Erasmus+
    • MSCA
    • Eureka-Eurostars
    • CBE
    • Horizon-cluster
    • CEF-Digital
    • Innovation Fund


    We prepare the winning proposal in full compliance with the objectives and requirements of the grant programme.

    Consolidated team

    More than 200 professionals, PhD and engineers with more than 15 years of experience in the exclusive management of European funds.