Carbon footprint certificate

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Para toda empresa que tenga en consideración la lucha contra el cambio climático debe empezar por medir su huella de carbono de organización o corporativa. 

La Huella de Carbono es el cálculo de la totalidad de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) emitidos por efecto directo o indirecto por un individuo, organización o producto, configurándose así, como punto de referencia inicial para el comienzo de actuaciones de reducción de emisiones de GEI y para la sustitución de recursos y materiales para una mejora en el comportamiento medioambiental. 

Desde Euro-Funding, además de ayudaros en la obtención del sello del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD) que reconoce el registro del cálculo, la reducción y/o la compensación de la huella de carbono, implantamos un procedimiento de recopilación de datos para facilitar la realización de futuras huellas de carbono. De esta manera, se reducen los costes asociados mediante la ejecución y se crea una herramienta de referencia para posibles proyectos energéticos y medioambientales que se planteen en el futuro. 


The Carbon Footprint of an organisation includes those emissions associated with the company’s activity, and there is a state register for those entities that wish to register their footprint.  

Companies carry out activities that result in the generation of GHGs, for example, during the manufacturing or transport of products. The carbon footprint of an organisation measures and analyses all those emissions emitted directly or indirectly through the activity carried out by that company. 

At Euro-Funding, in addition to obtaining the seal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition (MITECO) that recognises your registration of the calculation, reduction and/or compensation of your carbon footprint, we implement a data collection procedure to facilitate future carbon footprinting. This reduces the associated costs and creates from scratch an information base for future energy and environmental projects.


The royal decree regulating the registration of organisational carbon footprint (Royal Decree 163/2014) will be updated very soon. Currently, this royal decree is voluntary, but after its update, in accordance with the law on climate change and energy transition (Law 7/2021), it will oblige certain companies to calculate and register their organisational carbon footprint, as well as to have a plan to reduce their emissions. 

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    Types of emissions associated with an organisation's operations

    Two types of emissions can be distinguished according to an organisation’s operations:

    • Direct GHG: These are emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organisation. In a much simpler way, they could be defined as emissions released on-site at the location where the activity itself takes place.
    • Indirect GHG emissions: These are emissions resulting from the organisation’s activities, and which occur at sources owned or controlled by another organisation. A specific example of an indirect emission is an emission from an entity whose emissions were produced at the site where the electricity was generated. 


    how to get a carbon footprint certificate?

    Calculating the carbon footprint of an organisation involves a detailed analysis of the activity it carries out, varying in complexity depending on the quantity and type of GHG emitting sources considered for the calculation.

    Depending on the scope of your organisation’s carbon footprint, verification of the calculations and the reduction plan by an authorised external entity may be mandatory. Euro-Funding recommends companies accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Body (ENAC) and provides support throughout the verification process.

    MITERD provides a graphic badge/stamp in recognition of the calculation of the carbon footprint. It is a seal that can evolve according to the efforts made, as it allows the following situations to be indicated in the same anagram:

    • Calculation of the organisation’s carbon footprint.
    • I calculate and reduce the organisation’s carbon footprint.
    • I calculate and offset the organisation’s carbon footprint.
    • All three of the above situations.


    Calculating your carbon footprint will allow you to reduce costs by identifying the biggest energy consumers.

    What other types of footprints exist?

    The water footprint is an environmental indicator that defines the relationship of our organisation, service or product with the use of fresh water and its direct contamination of the environment. In this way, the WF has become a key tool in the fight against the pollution of natural resources, and is also a sign of environmental commitment that is increasingly requested by both suppliers and customers. 

    It is made up of three elements depending on where the water comes from: 

    Green water footprint: this is the water from precipitation (rain and snow) that is stored in the soil, in the root zone, and evaporates, transpires or is incorporated by the plants.  
    Blue water footprint: water that comes from groundwater or surface water resources and either evaporates during the production of a good, is incorporated into it or is discharged into the sea. Irrigated agriculture, industry and domestic water use may have a blue water footprint. 
    Grey water footprint: this is the amount of fresh water required to dilute polluted water in the production process until it meets quality standards. 


    On the other hand and in relation to the Carbon Footprint, there is the Product Carbon Footprint, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). These services study all phases of a product’s life cycle from the procurement of raw materials and energy to the management of the waste generated, measuring the environmental impact including the emissions generated, respectively.  

    LCA is applied to several environmental impact categories (climate change, ecotoxicity, eutrophication and fuel consumption, among others) or exclusively to the climate change category for the product carbon footprint service. 


    Euro-Funding has a team of experts in environmental projects. In collaboration with our clients, they take care of finding the right projects to offset and register them with the Ministry for Ecological Transition (MITECO).

    Currently, the subject of environmental offsets is booming due to the current era of continuous change towards a low-carbon and more environmentally friendly economy. Therefore, Euro-Funding relies on a medium and long term strategy following a methodology that allows us to reduce associated costs and to take advantage of the information collected in other corporate projects at an energy or environmental level.


    Calculating your carbon footprint will allow you to reduce costs by identifying the biggest energy consumers.


    The calculation of the carbon footprint makes it easier to obtain data that can be used as a global environmental indicator of the activity carried out by the organisation. This calculation is thus configured as a basic reference point for initiating actions to reduce energy consumption and for the use of resources and materials with better environmental performance. The main benefits of calculating the carbon footprint for an organisation are as follows:

    • Reducing the costs involved in energy consumption for lighting, air conditioning, heating and transport.
    •  Contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions and increased environmental awareness.
    • Positive variable for public procurement
    • Access to public subsidies for the implementation of measures to reduce GHG emissions in the industrial, tertiary and residential sectors.
    • Improves the environmental image of the company in the eyes of customers, suppliers, the public administration and society.
    • The cost of calculating the carbon footprint in the case of an SME is quite affordable.
    • Saving energy costs by improving energy efficiency.
    • Access to new business opportunities.

    How to reduce an organisation's carbon footprint

    Strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of an organisation depend to a large extent on each entity and the type of activity carried out by these types of organisations. However, a global strategy that in all cases provides a successful result is the improvement of efficiency in energy consumption and supply. It is in this area where energy self-consumption plays an essential role in reducing the carbon footprint of an organisation.

    At Euro-Funding we carry out the following activities to reduce our carbon footprint:

    1. Data collection: identifying all the data and acting as an intermediary between you, the verifying entity and the Ministry.
    2. Calculation: we prepare a report on the calculation of your organisation’s carbon footprint.
    3. Reduction or compensation: we work on a CO2 reduction plan.
    4. Obtaining the seal: the Euro-Funding team will be in charge of the whole process of validating the footprint and obtaining the corresponding seal from the Ministry.

    The interesting thing about measuring the carbon footprint is how the results can be translated into an ambitious climate action plan. The Euro-Funding team takes a baseline year to calculate your carbon footprint and from there develops a climate action strategy and a roadmap towards zero emissions.


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