Energy audit

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The energy audit is an in-depth study of a building with the aim of revealing a number of energy saving and efficiency opportunities for the company.


The Euro-Funding team prepares an Audit Report, based on a previous study, which proposes different measures that could be applied in a building to reduce energy consumption and make it more efficient. Improvements and savings in energy consumption have a direct impact on the profit and loss account.

The measures to be included in the action plan are very diverse. From small actions at no cost to others that require investment for implementation, the proposed measures are always adjusted to the needs and resources available to the company.

The objective of this study is to analyze the energy consumption of a facility in order to detect opportunities for savings and possible improvements in energy efficiency, as well as to analyze possible energy diversification.

According to Royal Decree 56/2016, companies with a turnover of more than €50M must undergo an energy audit that covers at least 85% of the total final energy consumption

Reduce your company's energy costs


Energy consumption

Through energy bills from previous periods and the data provided by the meter download, a comparison is made between the real data and what should be the optimal data in a building like the one analyzed. From this comparison it is possible to know the type of energy on which some improvement action should be taken.


Enclosures, thermal bridges, openings and all possible scenarios where energy losses can occur must be analyzed. Poor insulation in walls, glass or frames can be a great waste of energy.


Lighting in buildings must be provided with the lowest possible energy consumption. To this end, an inventory will be made of all existing lighting equipment so that the power consumed can be known and, thus, the optimum level can be analyzed.

Air conditioning and DHW

Study of existing generation equipment as well as distribution systems. Depending on the system used, reducing the amount of boiler supply can result in huge energy savings for the company.


The Euro-Funding team collaborates with its clients in the processing of the energy certificate that informs about the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of a property.

The content of the energy certificate is summarized in the energy label. This label indicates the emissions and consumption ratings that the property has obtained in its energy certificate, on a color scale ranging from A, the most efficient, to G, the least efficient.

The energy certificate is a report that includes the general data of the property and the overall energy rating of the property, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions released into the atmosphere. It is expressed on a scale from A to G.


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