Grant Management

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  5. Grant Management

Do you know that millions of euros of public subsidies go unallocated because nobody applies for them? At Euro-Funding we collaborate with companies and public bodies to obtain public grants and subsidies.

Administrations at European, national and regional level provide companies and public bodies with different financing mechanisms in the form of loans and subsidies.

These calls for proposals have been boosted by Spain’s receipt of the Next Generation Funds, which have opened up the range of aid available, as well as reinforcing the budget available for existing aid. At the European level, the complexity of identifying the call and the bodies on which they depend, as well as the demands of adaptation and the competitiveness of the ecosystem itself, make it necessary to have a specialised team to provide successful support in obtaining funds.

At Euro-Funding we carry out a complete review of the different calls for proposals that are published, identifying the characteristics of the projects, the financing conditions and the presentation requirements in the first phase and, after obtaining the aid, we monitor the project in order to successfully close the file and receive the committed funds.

We focus our services on aid associated with Research and Development, business innovation, industrial investment, the incorporation of talent and the management of sustainability and energy efficiency with a specialist team in each of the sectors.

Obtain grants for your projects

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    European VAT

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    Where did you meet us?*


    In order to assign you a suitable technician, please indicate the total amount of your financing needs and tell us about the project to be developed.


    I accept to recieve commercial information


    Do you want to know all the interesting public grants for your business? Ayudas a un clic is the first customisable aid portal with a search engine for regional, national and European aid.

    Our grant and fund management methodology

    Our experience in the sector, after more than 25 years focused on funding consultancy, means that we offer our clients a relationship based on trust and the establishment of the basis for submitting potentially winning proposals.

    The exhaustive analysis of the project and its fit with the call for proposals allows us to define the strategy and the approach that best responds to the approach of the Calling Body in order to maximise the chances of success.

    We define an operational plan based on our experience, the use of the latest technological tools and continuous information with our clients, complemented by our knowledge of each of the organisations and the relationship we maintain with them, which enables us to communicate with them for the benefit of our clients.

    Identification and implementation planning

    Planning is essential in the grant application procedure. The calls for proposals are published under a fixed timetable for the submission and implementation of projects, so proposals must be bound to these requirements.

    We propose a stage of project identification and development of funding maps for each project by analysing the different public calls for proposals at regional, state and European level. Our technical team globally analyses the roadmap of our clients to develop a tailor-made funding scenario.

    Preparation of the proposal

    Euro-Funding carries out a detailed analysis of the formal, technical and economic requirements of the call for proposals. Subsequently, we compile and analyse the administrative and financial documentation and manage the data uploading to the telematic applications of the funding organisation. 

    At all times, we monitor the individual and global budget and advise on the drafting of technical reports.

    – The viability analysis of the project:

    • Novelty or uniqueness of the project
    • Destination of the investment
    • Impact of the investment associated with energy savings and sustainability, job creation, digitalisation and competitiveness, social cohesion, equality.
    • Evaluation criteria and preliminary fulfilment of the same.
    • Need for external actors in the application process independently of the Euro-Funding team: accredited entities for ex-ante consideration of R&D projects or for validation of compliance with the DNSH principle, emission reduction reports signed by competent technicians, among others,
    • Alignment with the plans and agendas defined by the Spanish Government or the European Commission.
    • Potential impacts identified at the economic, social, environmental and territorial cohesion levels.

    – Contextual aspects:

    Business plan of the project

    • Exploitation of results
    • Financial viability of the company
    • Potential market
    • Internationalisation of results
    • Impact on job creation and wealth of the area

    Proposal management

    In addition to technical support, proper project management including the following activities is of vital importance:

    • Calendar of actions and follow-up meetings
    • Coordination of follow-up meetings and minutes taking
    • Monitoring of compliance with technical and budget milestones and requesting modifications.
    • Control of the generation of deliverables
    • Interlocution with the managing body
    • Compilation and analysis of administrative and economic documentation for justification
    • Preparation of documents and reports and liaison with accounting auditors.
    • Review and assistance in drafting technical reports
    • Obtaining of the Motivated Report

    Euro-Funding collaborates in the preparation and management of the project by developing continuous coordination, monitoring and communication tasks. In the case of our client acting as consortium leader, we carry out the coordination between partners, the management of the consortium and the communication with the Competent Body. We integrate our specialised team in the management of projects in which we have not participated in the application phase in an agile way.

    Euro-Funding collaborates in the preparation and management of the project by developing continuous coordination, monitoring and communication tasks.

    Interlocution until collection and future verifications

    We contact the competent Administration to respond to clarifications, verifications, requirements and/or corrections once the project is finalised and justified, as well as other agents or Partners involved in the project until the project is closed for the purposes of the financing file.

    Contact our grants consultancy

    Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

    Spanish Grants

    What subsidies does our consultancy manage?

    For more than 25 years we have been managing applications for public funds to finance R&D projects, industrial investments, business development or energy efficiency of innovative companies, universities, technology centres and research organisations.

    By geographical area

    We manage aid at different geographical levels, at European, national or regional level.

    Programmes managed by the European Commission (Horizon Europe Framework Programme) and by the different agencies that make it up, such as the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Agency (CINEA), the European Innovation Council (EIC) with programmes such as Pathfinder or Accelerator, among the most important.

    Programmes convened mainly by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the different General Secretariats.

    High degree of dialogue with the CDTI (Centre for Technological Development and Innovation).

    Direct contact with the different funding bodies in each of the Autonomous Regions.

    By type of financing

    Do you know the different types of aid available? Discover the one that best suits your needs.

    This type of aid means that beneficiaries are not obliged to repay the amounts of aid received.


    Discover the public grants that work in the form of loans and finance your projects. Compare interest rates with private financing. At Euro-Funding we take care of the whole process, from the identification of the most suitable call and the application to the justification to the funding body. 

    Combination of grant and loan

    Combination of the two previous types, where part of the financing obtained is received in the form of a loan while another part of the amount is in the form of a non-repayable tranche, i.e. as a non-repayable grant.


    Find out more about the details and support available

    Why trust Euro-Funding?

    Integrated management/ 360° : Support throughout the process

    At Euro-Funding we offer support throughout the entire process of identifying, processing and justifying grants. If you have a project and you are looking for grants or subsidies to finance it, contact us and maximise the return on each project.

    Around 200 engineers and doctors with financial training make up the Euro-Funding team, spread across all our offices in Europe.

    Network of partners

    We carry out continuous institutional work in collaboration with different state and autonomous community bodies, economic agents, sectoral associations, business schools and technology centres.

    These alliances involve different joint actions such as the preparation of sectoral reports and the holding of conferences all over the world. Our long experience in the world of public funding has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the bodies that manage the different public funds.


    We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centres.

    At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

    We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

    We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

    We have the seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised and expert support to companies through ACCIÓ’s aid programmes.


    Around 46,500 projects managed and more than EUR 5.94 billion in financing and savings obtained for our clients.


    More than 25 years in project financing. Grant applications managed in the last year:

    • In R&D: 487.
    • Environment: 186.
    • For Industrial Investments: 72.
      In the field of European Projects: 75.

    The main lines managed have been:

    Grants for R+D+i projects:

    • R&D Projects (PID, CIEN, Missions, Collaborative Projects, EUREKA, EUROSTARS).
    • Innovation Hotline (LIC).
    • Public-Private Collaboration
    • Strategic Lines.
    • Connected Industry 4.0
    • Manufacturing RDI
    • Regional Grants.

    Aid for Hiring / Incorporation of Personnel (in projects linked to R&D&I).

    • Torres Quevedo
    • Industrial Doctorates

    Grants for the Environment and Energy Saving and Efficiency.

    • IDAE
    • CLIMA projects.
    • Aid at regional level.

    Aid for Industrial Investment:

    • Financial Support for Industrial Investment (MINETUR): Re-industrialisation andPromotion of Industrial Competitiveness (formerly, Competitiveness Plans for Strategic Sectorial Sectors).
    • Direct Expansion Line (LIC_A – CDTI).
    • Global Innovation Line (CDTI).
    • Regional Incentives

    European Grants:

    • H2020
    • Horizon Europe
    • CEF

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