Circular Economy Grants

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  5. Circular Economy Grants

From Euro-Funding we collaborate in obtaining these grants aimed at promoting the eco-design of new products, improving waste management, and promoting digitisation in our country. 

These grants aim to promote major initiatives that favour the transformation of the Spanish economy towards a circular production model that is more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly.

What is the circular economy?

It is an economic concept closely linked to sustainability, which aims to maintain the value of products, materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible, thus minimising waste generation. The idea arises from imitating nature, where everything has value and everything is used, so that waste becomes a new resource, achieving a balance between growth and sustainability.

Following this concept, design is considered the most important stage of the Circular Economy philosophy, as it is at this stage where the good or bad decisions of a product are made: the selection of recyclable materials, the ease of disassembly/repair, etc.

What are the benefits of the circular economy?

These types of subsidies are intended to promote businesses or projects with a very specific purpose. In order for these grants to be awarded, it is necessary to demonstrate that the amounts received have been used for this purpose. 

It is essential to know that you can only aspire to this type of subsidy if the project is interesting, has the potential to improve society and the economy. 

At Euro-Funding we provide total or partial management of the project and we carry out exhaustive monitoring of the grant award deadlines. We adapt to your needs and collaborate until the expected results are achieved.

Which companies are eligible for circular economy grants?

Grants and subsidies related to the circular economy are aimed at all those companies that intend to carry out circular production projects such as eco-design, recycling and that are mainly involved in the textile sector, the plastics sector and renewable energy equipment.

The aim of the circular economy is to extend the useful life of a product, so companies should focus on the durability of their products in order to generate less waste. Also considered as circular economy projects are those that transform energy into renewables and fully recyclable or bio-based inputs, as well as the recovery of useful resources from materials, by-products or waste.

By promoting the circular economy, production costs will be reduced, production can be more competitive and the relationship between customers, partners and suppliers will be strengthened.


Guaranteed success in the management of grants and subsidies

How does Euro-Funding help you to get circular economy grants?

At Euro-Funding we analyse your investment plans and available calls for grants in the circular economy. We help you to implement the circular economy within your business cycles. 

Thanks to our long history, we have been able to develop a wide network of collaborators and maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the bodies that manage the different public funds.

Identification and implementation planning

Existen multitud de líneas de convocatorias que cada día abren su plazo de solicitud. ¿Conoces todas? ¿sabes si te puedes beneficiar? En Euro-Funding conocemos la última hora relativa a las subvenciones que financian la economía circular de las empresas. Identificamos la subvención que mejor se adecúa a vuestros proyectos y planificamos la ejecución.

Preparation of the proposal

 More than 20 years of experience allows us to know the different requirements of the calls for proposals at regional, national and European level. We carry out a technical and economic analysis, compile and analyse the client’s administrative and economic documentation and manage the data dump at the funding body.

Management support

We have a team dedicated exclusively to the management of projects, both individual and consortium projects at national and European level. We carry out the complete dialogue with partners and funding bodies, we develop and coordinate a calendar of actions, we prepare documents for the accounting auditors and, if necessary, we obtain the Motivated Report.

What is needed to implement the circular economy?

La implementación de la economía circular en las entidades obliga a rediseñar los procedimientos de fabricación de productos de extremo a extremo, exigiendo más recursos en tres principales áreas: el desarrollo, la reparación y la recuperación de productos. Para aplicar la economía circular una empresa necesita buscar proveedores de productos reciclados, investigar nuevos modelos de negocios basados en esta nueva economía y gestionar de manera adecuada los residuos generados.

Las entidades necesitan focalizar esfuerzos en sectores de alcance urbano. Además, por ejemplo , en el sector del transporte, la promoción de medios de transporte sostenibles compartidos por medio de empresas maximizan la vida útil de un producto y promueven la economía circular.


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