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- We are Euro-Funding
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- Certifications
European Innovation Council (EIC)
The EIC board recently adopted a Code of Conduct for consultants advising applicants applying to EIC calls, particularly the EIC Accelerator. We commit to the use of a set of ethical guidelines and principles designed to govern the behavior and practices of stakeholders involved with the European Innovation Council. Know more
EQA ISO 9001 | 14001 | 27001 | 45001 | 50001
We have launched its own Integrated Management System which concern to all the companies of Euro-Funding, which is a convergent management mechanism to streamline, coordinate and organize work, and thus achieve the optimal development of its various activities.

We have adopted the United Nations Global Compact in the area of human rights, work force, environmental protection and fight against corruption, and have met all the ten principles of this compact according to its code of ethics and conduct.

Finalists at the SFS Awards for promoting adaptive and collaborative work environments. We prioritize the physical and mental health of our employees, encourage a balance between personal and professional life, and contribute positively as agents of change.

We are accredited as advisors. Seal awarded by the Generalitat of Catalunya through ACCIÓ to identify the professionals who have the most suitable profile to offer a expert accompaniment to companies through the programmes offered.

We have calculated our Carbon Footprint for the years from 2014 to present. This has allowed us to reflect on the seal the shading of “CALCULATE” and “REDUCE”.

Spanish Association for the Promotion of R&D Funding
We are members of AFIDI, the Spanish association of consulting firms specialized in R&D funding. As part of this network, we actively engage in sharing knowledge and best practices in areas such as financing and grants. This collaboration enables us to continuously enhance our management practices and advocate for the interests of the sector, contributing to the development of innovation in Spain.

European Association of Innovation Consultants (EAIC)
Our company is a member of the European Association of Innovation Consultants (EAIC), which brings together experts in European innovation projects. Being part of this network allows us to exchange experiences and knowledge, enhancing the impact and reach of our activities at the European level and creating synergies with other consulting firms.

Innovative SME
This seal recognizes our company as being committed to research, development, and innovation (R&D). It highlights our ability to develop innovative solutions and continuously improve our services, enabling us to deliver added value to our clients and strengthen our position in the industry.