Environmental Consulting

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  5. Environmental Consulting

The current context encourages companies to think about sustainability and the environment and to combine these concepts in their income statement.

At Euro-Funding we accompany our clients in the process of implementing ESG measures (environmental, social and good governance) including energy efficiency and the development of actions that reduce their environmental impact through the development of specialised consultancy services, adapted to specific needs and regulatory obligations.

What is an environmental consultancy?

We help companies to strengthen and fully integrate their sustainability and environmental strategy into their business model. In addition to increasing the efficiency and productivity levels of companies, the consultancy aims to comply with current legislation and improve the corporate image projected by the company.

At Euro-Funding we offer different lines of collaboration in the field of sustainability consultancy. From grants and subsidies to finance projects focused on developing actions around sustainability, to the development of sustainability plans (EINF, report, ESG diagnosis) through technical services such as calculating the carbon footprint of an organisation, LCA or implementation of management systems (ISO).

Why hire an environmental consultancy?

Hiring an environmental and sustainability consultancy can be a breakthrough in an organisation’s strategy to follow a sustainable path aligned with current market trends and take advantage of new opportunities that arise every day. In addition, organisations are under increasing pressure from suppliers, customers, investors, internal stakeholders, and current and forthcoming regulations.

At Euro-Funding we propose customised solutions to help organisations progress towards a sustainable, environmentally responsible business model and a low-carbon economy. We guide you in the management and planning of your sustainable projects in order to make your business sustainable. We develop actions that improve your sustainability performance.

We analyze your possibilities

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    Contact our environmental consultancy

    We collaborate with your company to identify opportunities and implement strategies

    For which companies is this environmental service suitable?

    This service is suitable for all types of companies, regardless of sector and size. Market trends and the risks and opportunities presented by climate change require companies to assess and evaluate a sustainable strategy with concrete targets in order to continue to grow as an organisation.

    Implementing a sustainability strategy has proven to be a highly cost-effective action for many companies. Being aware of the resources consumed in your company and identifying those points in the value chain that are inefficient is crucial to start developing an environmental, social and governance strategy.

    The nature of any company’s activity means that, by default, environmental and social impacts will be produced in the environment, therefore, it is essential to identify those aspects that are most problematic and start to create more efficient, sustainable solutions that generate greater savings in the income statement.

    How do we work with environmental counselling?

    We help you integrate sustainability into your corporate strategy. Reduce costs, increase productivity and position your company as a sustainable organisation by complying with regulations and external demands. We also collaborate with our clients in the search for public funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmental and mobility projects.

    Differentiate yourself from your competitors through environmental and sustainability consultancy. Implement energy efficiency measures, develop actions that reduce environmental impact, manage ESG assets and develop a scorecard that allows you to identify, measure and improve your company’s performance and social, environmental and governance impact.


    Increasingly, companies must introduce environmental impact as a strategic variable in their business roadmap. 

    Environmental aids

    We analyse your investment plans and available grants to improve the profitability of investments in energy efficiency and the environment.

    At Euro-Funding we accompany our clients throughout the entire application process, from the identification of the best call that suits your project, to the processing and justification of the grants.

    In the last year we have managed 186 environmental grants. Specifically, we have submitted applications to the IDAE, JESSICA-FIDAE Fund, CLIMA projects and regional grants.

    Calculating and recording an organisation's carbon footprint

    The Carbon Footprint is the calculation of the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted directly or indirectly by an organisation, thus becoming a basic reference point for the initiation of actions to reduce GHG emissions and for the use of resources and materials with better environmental performance. 

    The Euro-Funding team has been calculating the carbon footprint of numerous organisations and establishing reduction plans for more than 20 years. This calculation involves a detailed analysis of the activity carried out by the organisation, varying in complexity depending on the number of GHG emitting sources considered for the calculation. 

    Calculating the carbon footprint makes it possible to:

    Reduce the costs involved in energy consumption for lighting, air conditioning, heating and transport.
    Contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions and to greater environmental awareness.
    Positive variable for public procurement
    Access to public subsidies for the implementation of measures to reduce GHG emissions in the industrial, tertiary and residential sectors.

    Energy audit

    The energy audit is an in-depth study of a building with the objective of revealing a series of energy saving and efficiency opportunities for the company.

    The Euro-Funding team prepares an Audit Report, based on a previous study, which proposes different measures that could be applied in a building to reduce energy consumption and make it more efficient. The improvement and saving in energy consumption has a direct impact on economic savings.

    Circular Economy Grants

    The aim of this type of aid is to provide an instrument for organisations to improve their environmental performance, generally in terms of waste prevention and management, and to speed up the transition towards more sustainable production and consumption models.

    Each year, different calls for applications are published aimed at financing the transformation of companies towards an activity in which resources are optimised and waste generated is minimised.

    Product life cycle analysis

    Life cycle analysis is an objective process that allows us to evaluate the environmental impact associated with a product, process or activity, from the extraction of raw materials to the use and end of life of the product, once it has been discarded.

    At Euro-Funding we undertake an analysis to quantify the environmental burdens associated with a product or service, identifying and quantifying both the use of materials and energy and the emissions into the environment.

    This allows us to identify those processes whose contribution to environmental impact is significant, which is crucial to optimise their design from an environmentally responsible point of view.

    Environmental risk analysis

    Euro-Funding collaborates with companies in defining the risks associated with their activity, quantifying the cost of repairing the possible environmental damage that would be caused in the event of an accident, following the UNE 150.008 Standard on Environmental Risk Analysis and Assessment or equivalent standards.

    Once the cost has been quantified and the guarantee has been established, the measures detected make it possible:

    Take preventive actions to reduce environmental risks.
    The possibility of reducing the financial guarantee.


    We collaborate with your company to identify opportunities and implement strategies

    Why trust EURO-FUNDING?

    Team and experience

    The Euro-Funding team, made up of more than 200 people distributed in the different offices, has been collaborating for more than 20 years with the business world in its transformation towards a more environmentally conscious activity.


    Because we lead by example, Euro-Funding has its own Integrated Management System consisting of the following standards:

    • Quality Management System ISO 9.001
    • Environmental Management System ISO 14.001
    • Energy Management System ISO 50.001
    • Information Security Management System 27.001

    Furthermore, as a sign of our commitment, we have subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact and its ten Principles, as established in our Code of Ethical Conduct.

    At Euro-Funding we are aware of the importance of the fight against climate change, which is why in addition to calculating the carbon footprint of our clients we have calculated our own from 2014 to the present, maintaining a downward trend in emissions in our sixth year (2020). This has allowed us to reflect the shading of “I CALCULATE” and “I REDUCE” on the seal.

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