Ahorrar gastos y reducir costes

Find out how to improve your company’s liquidity

Discover how to improve your company’s liquidity keys to boosting your company’s liquidity The current global economic situation after the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase in the price of electricity and the lack of raw materials added to the war between Russia and Ukraine, have impacted on many companies that have been forced to close their … Read more

Nuevas oportunidades en Europa

Work programme of the European Innovation Council 2023

Work Programme of the European Innovation Council NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE NEW 2022 WORK PROGRAMME The European Innovation Council’s 2022 work programme opens up funding opportunities worth more than €1.7 billion in 2022 for innovative and cutting-edge entities to grow and create new markets. New features of the new 2022 work programme include: Launch of … Read more

Enviromental Risk Analysis

What are the cadastral updating coefficients for?

What are the cadastral updating coefficients for? USABILITY OF CADASTRAL UPDATING COEFFICIENTS The reference value has undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention in the last few months in the tax field, however, every 1st of January, coinciding with the date of accrual of the IBI, the coefficients for updating the cadastral values, which are published … Read more

European funding

European funding for health research

European funding for health research European funding for health research In 2018 the Commission proposed an ambitious research and innovation programme of almost €100 billion – Horizon Europe (HE) – to succeed Horizon 2020, for the period 2021-2027. The HE programme is based on three pillars, and within Pillar II there are 6 clusters, the … Read more

Lebanon cooperation

We have strengthened our presence in Lebanon

We have strengthened our presence in Lebanon WE HAVE BEEN AWARDED WITH A NEW PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Our presence in Lebanon has been strengthened as, very recently, our Multilateral Projects partners have been awarded a new project funded by the European Union. From September 2021, for a period of 24 months, and … Read more


Do you protect the intangible assets of projects?

Do you protect the intangible assets of the projects? We explain you how to protect the intangible assets of your projects We have participated in a series of informative pills promoted by Madrid International Lab in which she spoke about intangible assets, which is known as that which gives a significant value in our business … Read more

We have organised a training called Insights Discovery

We have organised a training Insights Discovery INSIGHTS DISCOVERY TRAINING At Euro-Funding we are aware that one of our main pillars is the people who make up the company. Through our team, we manage to provide the best service day after day to the organisations we work with. Therefore, throughout the year, Euro-Funding’s Human Resources … Read more

Public funds

Webinar summary: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility

Summary webinar: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility What is the Horizon Europe programme about? Horizon Europe, the new Framework Programme of the European Union, a continuation of the H2020 programme, has as one of its thematic priorities the promotion of technologies in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic agendas associated with … Read more

Public funding for Asturian companies

Public funding for Asturian companies IDEPA GRANTS We spoke to several journalists about IDEPA Grants. For years, the public body has had a support structure for Asturian companies that includes economic and financial support programmes for the creation of new companies, financing programmes for business growth and programmes for the implementation of individual or collaborative … Read more

procurement departament

What do purchasing departments look like now?

What do purchasing departments look like now? DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT We review the evolution of the different functions within the procurement department and the role of the Purchasing Manager. Purchasing has taken a very important turn within organisations, adding to these support functions the need to actively participate in the company’s global strategy. … Read more