CBE-JU – Institutionalised Partnership

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  3. CBE-JU – Institutionalised Partnership

The Circular Bio-based Joint Undertaking (CBEJU) is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), with the goal of accelerating the development of a sustainable bio-based economy in Europe. The CBE-JU programme is part of the Europe’s main research and innovation funding programme, Horizon Europe. It offers funding opportunities to support research and innovation projects that contribute to a competitive bioeconomy in Europe. Since 2014, this funding has supported 142 projects involving 1,055 beneficiaries from 39 countries. 40% of the beneficiaries are small businesses.

The funding available through this initiative is focused on bio-based materials, chemicals, and that are produced from waste and biomass and have a lower environmental impact than their fossil-based counterparts. Projects funded by CBE-JU should also aim to contribute to the EU strategies “A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe” and the “Circular economy action plan”.For project proposals and encourages participation from all stakeholders, including primary sector, research centres, universities, small businesses, and large industries.

Annual Work Programme and budget 2024

During the CBE JU Governing Board meeting of October 2023, the acting Executive Director presented the following priorities for 2024 focussing on four areas:

  • Ensure the transition to new Executive Director maintaining efficiency in CBE daily operations.
  • Establish the Deployment Group on finance and investments, taking stock of the conclusion of the study launched by EIB.
  • Propose to the Governing Board the scope and objectives of the Deployment group on Primary Producers and launch its establishment.
  • Ensure follow up of the conclusions of the Strategic Governing Board meeting.
  • Approve the monitoring method for the financial contributions to CBE JU.
  • Implement the CBE JU widening strategy action plan 2023-2024 with the support of the founding partners and the SRG.
  • Ensure the transition to new Executive Director maintaining efficiency in CBE daily operations.
  • Establish the Deployment Group on finance and investments, taking stock of the conclusion of the study launched by EIB.
  • Propose to the Governing Board the scope and objectives of the Deployment group on Primary Producers and launch its establishment.
  • Ensure follow up of the conclusions of the Strategic Governing Board meeting.
  • Approve the monitoring method for the financial contributions to CBE JU.
  • Implement the CBE JU widening strategy action plan 2023-2024 with the support of the founding partners and the SRG.

• Promote the CBE JU flagship through the new project exhibition and by
participation to their inauguration events.
• Focus the communication on specific stakeholders’ groups, e.g. primary
•  Promote the impact of the bioeconomy and CBE JU projects on the local
• Promote the launch of the CBE JU deployment groups.
• Follow up on the conclusion of the CBE JU Stakeholder forum.
• Promote the impact of the bioeconomy and CBE JU projects on the local
• Promote the launch of the CBE JU deployment groups.
• Follow up on the conclusion of the CBE JU Stakeholder forum.

• Lead the implementation of the back-office arrangement – HR support.
• Contribute to the back-office arrangement in other key areas (IT, logistics,
• Finalise the office set-up in line with the new ways of working in collaboration with
the other JUs.
• Phase out the BBI JU budget in an efficient way.

Scope: Europe

Budget: EUR 2 billion (2021 - 2031)

Application deadline: pending publication

Organisation: European Commission and Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)

Nature of project: Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment.

pending publication​

All legal entities, regardless of profit status, are eligible to apply: this includes large companies, small and medium-sized companies, research and technology organizations, universities and associations.

The amount of funding provided for a project varies depending on the type of project and the entity submitting the proposal. The funding level can range from 60% (for profit) to 100% (non-profit) of the total project cost

Personnel costs, subcontracting costs, purchase costs (including travel and subsistence, equipment and other goods, works & services), indirect costs and other cost categories.

Private members should declare the total project cost of the project established and allocated according to the usual cost accounting practice of the private member. The difference between the declared total project cost and JU funding (if any) constitutes the IKOP.  IKOP is defined as the costs incurred by the private members in implementing indirect actions less the contribution of the JU or any other Union contribution as a reimbursement of those costs.