First calls for proposals portal customizable: Grants at a click

First calls for proposals portal customizable: Grants at a click THE PORTAL THAT WILL HELP YOU TO FIND OUT WHAT SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE Euro-Funding is pleased to announce the launch of “Ayudas a un Clic”, the first customizable public aid portal, with the purpose of facilitating access to information on all public calls for proposals … Read more

Requisitos ayudas Comisión Europea

Three requirements for access to grants European Commission grants

Three requirements for access to grants European Commission grants HOW COMPANIES SHOULD PREPARE Nowadays many companies need and want to receive the aid that the European Commission offers to them. The EC grants can reach up to 17.5 million euros for a single project, an amount much higher than what can be obtained at the … Read more

LIFE, the European instrument dedicated to the enviroment

Get the maximum financing The LIFE programme is the only European R&D&I funding program dedicated exclusively to financing activities with environmental and climate objectives. Since 1992, more than 900 LIFE projects have been approved in Spain and 5,500 throughout the European Union. ‘Standard action projects’ are the most common type of LIFE projects. In current … Read more

horizon europe

Horizon Europe

HORIZON EUROPE HORIZON EUROPE, EU’S FRAMEWORK PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Horizon Europe (HE) is the European Union’s current research and innovation program (successor to Horizon 2020), has a budget of €95.5 billion for the period 2021-2027, and is based on the Strategic Plan adopted in March 2021 to set the EU’s research and innovation … Read more

Fasta track to innovation reduces the time from idea to Market

Fast Track to Innovation es la única iniciativa en Horizonte 2020 que está abierta a las propuestas en cualquier área de la tecnología o aplicación. Promueve actividades de innovaciones próximas a mercado para consorcios principalmente industriales y financia los pasos finales del desarrollo de una innovación, como el pilotaje, los bancos de pruebas, la validación de … Read more

Innovation Fund

Get the maximum financing The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the world’s largest carbon pricing system, will provide revenue to the IF program by auctioning €450 million from emission allowances from 2020 to 2030, as well as any unused funds from the NER300 program. For the 2020-2030 period, funding may amount to around … Read more

EIC Transition

Obtén la máxima financiación The European Commission, under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, is launching the EIC Transition call to fund the advancement of innovative technologies at the development stage from proof of concept in the laboratory to market development. This call is not open, but is restricted to development projects previously funded under the … Read more

EIC Accelerator

Get the maximum financing The European Commission launches the funding programs of the European Innovation Council (EIC). The most interesting program for SMEs is undoubtedly the Accelerator, since it is the first financing instrument that combines the already existing non-refundable grants (up to €2.5 M in the form of “Grants”), with the access to venture … Read more