How and where to
find public funds?

How and where to find public funds

The need for funds due to the slowdown in the economy encourages companies to resort to public aid.

The problem with the Spanish economy coming to a standstill is that it needed to continue breathing. In the case of companies, money is their oxygen, which has become difficult to find during these months, although various public-private mechanisms have been put in place to give air to economic activity.

The stoppage has meant that there has been a huge increase in interest from companies in obtaining both public and private financing. However, we regret that knowing how and where to go to obtain such assistance is not easy, as the publication of calls for proposals is mainly done in the different platforms specific to each body.

This search is carried out in the midst of the urgency of the companies. The information relevant to the company is not easy to locate, even though it is published in the Official Bulletins. From Euro-Funding point of view, this system makes it difficult knowledge of existing calls for aid and, consequently, the access to them.

The bodies that promote and channel the granting of aid have their own platforms for publishing and consulting existing calls, which makes it a challenge to find and take advantage of the aid. For this reason, Euro-Funding facilitates this process for companies by finding and screening calls for aid according to geographical area, sector or purpose.

Likewise, maintaining closeness to the Administration is key. This allows us “to be able to know, with a certain amount of anticipation, the possible orientations or plans of action that are going to be put into practice.