How to seek public funding

How to seek public funding

How to seek public funding HOW TO SEEK PUBLIC FUNDING Andreu Rodellas, our Corporate General Manager, explains in an interview granted during the Barcelona New Economy Week 2022, how Euro-Funding can help companies to seek public funding for those projects that want to be innovative. The Barcelona New Economy Week is a physical and digital … Read more

VAT Refund

VAT Refund in international Trade

VAT Refund in International Trade VAT REFUND IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE The input VAT borned by an EU company in other a Member state different from its country of establishment, may be recovered depending on the nature of the expense. There may be certain limits depending on the Member state. Likewise, for the recovery of input … Read more

Cadastral value

How the revision of the cadastral value will affect the coming year

How the revision of the cadastral value will affect the coming year How the revision of the cadastral value will affect the coming year At present, a total of 39,392,008 urban real estate properties are registered in our country, not including foral territories, whose cadastral value amounts to a total of 2,369,059 million Euros with … Read more

Public funds

How and where to find public funds?

How and where to find public funds? How and where to find public funds The need for funds due to the slowdown in the economy encourages companies to resort to public aid. The problem with the Spanish economy coming to a standstill is that it needed to continue breathing. In the case of companies, money … Read more

Horizon Europe

Horizon 2020 work programme for the last year

Horizon 2020 work programme for the last year horizon 2020 work programme The European Commission has published the new Horizon 2020 Work Programme for the last year of the 2018-2020 period. The lines of action that will close the program are presented, with a budget amounting to 11,000 million euros. Five main areas of work … Read more

H2020 Energy work program update

H2020 Energy Work Program Update ENERGY HORIZON 2020 WORK PROGRAMME The European Commission has published a new update of the Energy Horizon 2020 Work Programme. This version should be used to prepare proposals for the calls still open in 2020. In the table below you can find the active topics until September 2020: Societal Challenges … Read more


Growth of blockchain technology in Cataluña

Growth of blockchain technology in Cataluña Growth of blockchain technology in Cataluña The horizon that this new decade presents us with will give continuity to what is known as the Digital Transformation. Although this concept is very broad, we can specify and highlight the following applications: Urban equipment and infrastructure (Smart cities) Financial Technologies (Fintech) … Read more


Gender Perspective in European Calls

Gender perspective in European Calls Gender Perspective in European Calls The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP) is a roadmap that aims to guide Spain in the recovery and modernization of its economy after the slowdown caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. In order to achieve the desired economic and social transformation, this Plan is … Read more

Healthier and sustainable food system

“From farm to table” | Healthier and more sustainable food system

“From farm to table”│Healthier and more sustainable food system Heading towards a healthier and more sustainable food system The European Green Deal Action Plan has as one of its fundamental pillars the “Farm to Fork” strategy. This initiative is directed towards the transition to a sustainable food system in order to guarantee access to healthy … Read more