Webinar summary: Reducing indirect costs in the company

Webinar Summary: Cost Optimisation in Procurement IMPLEMENTATION OF A COST OPTIMISATION PROGRAMME On 10 February we held a webinar on the benefits that the implementation of a cost optimisation programme can offer the purchasing area of a company. In the session we explained our main differentiation, which is to have been able to combine in … Read more


We obtain the Innovative SME seal

We obtain the Innovative SME seal We have obtained the Innovative SME seal At Euro-Funding we advocate a work model with a strong technological and digital base. That is why the Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded us the Innovative SME seal of approval, a recognition that rewards our track record and commitment to … Read more

company´s efficency

The 7 elements that reduce your company’s efficiency

The 7 elements that reduce your company’s effectiveness Which elements reduce the efficiency of your company? In all companies there are misalignments that go unnoticed and reduce efficiency. Among the different departments that can be identified in a company, this article will focus specifically on the production area, where mismatches such as unnecessary movements, waiting … Read more

lack of time to develop improvements

Do you lack the time to develop improvements in your daily life?

Do you lack the time to develop improvements in your daily life? COST OPTIMISATION PROGRAMME We detail the reason why consultancy firms can be a great ally for companies when it comes to developing changes in the different departments, products or activities they carry out. Within purchasing consultancy, the product par excellence most in demand … Read more

Public funding tools

Public funding tools for innovative projects

Public funding tools for innovative projects How to take advantage of public funding instruments for innovation  We detail the different indirect and direct instruments from which companies carrying out research and development projects in Spain can benefit. These instruments are as follows: Loans and non-refundable regional, national or European subsidies for actions that develop innovation … Read more

Company liquidity

Improve your company´s liquidity

Improve your company´s liquidity Maria Victòria Palau Chemical engineer and Business Administration and Management graduate with more than 16 years of experience in the management and execution of projects in the area of innovation. Currently working as Key Account Manager of Euro-Funding. Settings HOW CAN YOUR COMPANY IMPROVE THE LIQUIDITY The current global economic situation … Read more

How to seek public funding

How to seek public funding

How to seek public funding HOW TO SEEK PUBLIC FUNDING Andreu Rodellas, our Corporate General Manager, explains in an interview granted during the Barcelona New Economy Week 2022, how Euro-Funding can help companies to seek public funding for those projects that want to be innovative. The Barcelona New Economy Week is a physical and digital … Read more

VAT Refund

VAT Refund in international Trade

VAT Refund in International Trade VAT REFUND IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE The input VAT borned by an EU company in other a Member state different from its country of establishment, may be recovered depending on the nature of the expense. There may be certain limits depending on the Member state. Likewise, for the recovery of input … Read more