
Energy efficiency services for companies

Energy efficiency services for companies Enrique Roca Industrial Technical Engineer with specialization in Mechanics. He is currently Technical Manager in the Energy Efficiency and Sustainability unit of Euro-Funding, in which he carries out, among other services, the management of public aid for energy saving and efficiency, aid for environmental actions, waste reduction and circular economy, … Read more

Energy cost savings

Energy cost savings for companies

Energy cost savings for companies ENERGY COST SAVINGS FOR COMPANIES Today, given the situation we find ourselves in due to the crisis caused by COVID-19, means that companies have to devote all their efforts to addressing and resolving the liquidity tensions that occur in the short, medium and long term. This crisis, unfortunately, will last … Read more

Electricity prices

Electricity prices at historic lows

Electricity prices at historic lows minimun electricity prices in OMIE Currently, we are facing a situation of minimum electricity prices in OMIE, due to the low consumption of electricity in Spain by the state of alarm caused by the Coronavirus. After the publication of the state of alarm by the Government that forced the confinement … Read more


Covid will force companies to review their energy costs

Covid will force companies to review their energy costs Covid will force companies to review their energy costs It is essential that companies carry out an analysis of the overall expenditure.Due to the impact that the Covid-19 has had on the economy, most companies have been forced to temporarily close their factories. This has led … Read more

Covid 19 Official Statement

Covid 19 Official Statement COVID 19 OFFICIAL STATEMENT The coronavirus is an unprecedented challenge that requires from us a strong answer that provides security to our professionals and customers. In order to adapt ourselves to the situation and to continue offering quality/operational standards in the service to our clients, since February 25th we have a … Read more

Corporate Income Tax Changes

Corporate income tax changes in 2022 COrporate income tax changes Our colleague Mana Perez , Key Account Manager of Euro-Funding, explains in an interview on Radio Intereconomía the main novelties that have been introduced in the Corporate Income Tax for the year 2022. We can summarize in three aspects that will have the greatest impact … Read more


Corporate enviromental sustainability

Corporate enviromental responsability Corporate enviromental responsability Since the approval of Law 26/2007 on Environmental Responsibility, companies whose activity may cause damage to the adjacent environment are obliged to carry out measures to prevent, avoid and repair such damage, as well as to cover their costs. This law is therefore based on the principles of “prevention” … Read more

Competitive advantages of energy efficiency policies

Competitive advantages of energy efficiency policies Competitive advantages of energy efficiency policies Companies moving towards a circular economy model have access to subsidies and grants provided by the European Union. Making environmental protection and cost savings compatible in business is not only possible, but must be assumed as a cause and effect relationship. The linear … Read more

Without plastic

Companies advocating a world without plastic

Companies advocating a world without plastic Companies advocating a world without plastic DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain single-use plastic products (plates, cutlery, straws, cotton swabs and polystyrene food packaging) was adopted last June by the European Parliament. Since then, many companies have begun to change by seeking alternatives in … Read more

CDTI Cervera Transfer

Lack of relevant financial guarantees | CDTI Cervera Transfer

Lack of relevant financial guarantees | CDTI Cervera Transfer Lack of relevant financial guarantees | cdti Cervera Transfer With the aim of strengthening the activity of the best technology centres and encouraging business innovation in Spain, CDTI presented “Cervera Transfer” programme. The programme will finance R&D projects carried out by SMEs and midcaps (in collaboration … Read more