Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)​

Get the maximum financing The program covers basic, new, sustainable and low carbon steelmaking and finishing processes. Elegibles actions The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) provides funding for high-quality research, pilot and demonstration projects, which support the competitiveness and sustainability of future low-emission industries in line with the European Green Deal. Open call … Read more

Innovation Fund

Innovation Fund: Development of innovative low-carbon technologies

Innovation Fund: Development of innovative low-carbon technologies Fernando Gomez Innovation Fund: Development of innovative low-carbon technologies The Innovation Fund (IF) program is one of the most important global initiatives for financing the development of innovative low-carbon technologies. The new DG CLIMA programme will provide a great opportunity to generate truly innovative projects, ideas and technologies … Read more


Get the maximum financing Is a nuclear research and training program with an emphasis on the continuous improvement of nuclear safety Eligible actions Nuclear and non-energy applications of ionizing radiationmaintain and further develop expertise and competence in the nuclear field within the communityencourage the development of fusion power as a potential future energy source for … Read more

EIC Pathfinder

Get the maximum financing  The EIC Pathfinder Programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC) is a funding initiative within Horizon Europe designed to support research teams in developing breakthrough technologies. The programme provides support for early-stage scientific, technological and deep-tech research and development, fostering innovative new lines of research with the potential to transform markets … Read more


Get the maximum financing EUROSTARS is a programme to support R&D-intensive SMEs in the development of market-oriented transnational projects. Eurostars integrates specific improvement measures with the aim of reducing procurement times, cutting administration and achieving greater synchronisation and integration of funding. This funding programme involves up to 37 European countries that are members of the … Read more

LIFE, the European instrument dedicated to the enviroment

Get the maximum financing The LIFE programme is the only European R&D&I funding program dedicated exclusively to financing activities with environmental and climate objectives. Since 1992, more than 900 LIFE projects have been approved in Spain and 5,500 throughout the European Union. ‘Standard action projects’ are the most common type of LIFE projects. In current … Read more

horizon europe

Horizon Europe

HORIZON EUROPE HORIZON EUROPE, EU’S FRAMEWORK PROGRAM FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Horizon Europe (HE) is the European Union’s current research and innovation program (successor to Horizon 2020), has a budget of €95.5 billion for the period 2021-2027, and is based on the Strategic Plan adopted in March 2021 to set the EU’s research and innovation … Read more

Fasta track to innovation reduces the time from idea to Market

Fast Track to Innovation es la única iniciativa en Horizonte 2020 que está abierta a las propuestas en cualquier área de la tecnología o aplicación. Promueve actividades de innovaciones próximas a mercado para consorcios principalmente industriales y financia los pasos finales del desarrollo de una innovación, como el pilotaje, los bancos de pruebas, la validación de … Read more

Innovation Fund

Get the maximum financing The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the world’s largest carbon pricing system, will provide revenue to the IF program by auctioning €450 million from emission allowances from 2020 to 2030, as well as any unused funds from the NER300 program. For the 2020-2030 period, funding may amount to around … Read more

EIC Transition

Obtén la máxima financiación The EIC Transition programme from the European Innovation Council (EIC) is a funding initiative within Horizon Europe to support the growth and validation of innovative technologies furthermore to the trial phase at the labs. Its objective is to facilitate the technological advances transition towards its application in the market through development … Read more