The new European Alternative Fuels
Initiative is launched

The EU has just introduced the second wave of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport – Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF). With € 1 billion budget to be distributed between 2024 and 2026, this initiative aims to accelerate Europe’s shift towards green transport.

Investing in Alternative Fuel supply Infrastructures

The new AFIF calls aim to support the investment in several types of fuels infrastructures:

  1. Electricity recharging infrastructure for Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) and Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) along the TEN-T road network and in TEN-T urban nodes,
  2. Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for HDV, public transport, supply of inland waterway , maritime and port operation vessels, for port operation , for railway and and for airports,
  3. Amonia bunkering infrastructure for supply to maritime vessels and inland waterway vessels and vessels for port operations,
  4. Methanol bunkering infrastructure for supply to maritime vessels and inland waterway vessels and vessels for port operations.

A Dual-Pronged Strategy for Maximum Impact

  1. The General Envelope: Fuelling Europe’s Green Transition

With an indicative budget of EUR 780 million, the General Envelope of the AFIF aims to catalyse the establishment of alternative fuel infrastructure across the European Union. This encompasses electric charging points, hydrogen refuelling stations, and other essential infrastructures to facilitate the transition to cleaner, more sustainable transport modalities. This strategic investment seeks to enhance environmental sustainability, bolster the EU’s energy independence, and diminish reliance on imported fossil fuels.

  1. The Cohesion Envelope: Bridging the Gap

Acknowledging the diverse stages of development among its member states, the EU has dedicated EUR 220 million to the Cohesion Envelope. This portion of the AFIF specifically targets “cohesion countries” whose gross national income (GNI) per capita is less than 90% of the EU average (i.e. : Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia ), ensuring equitable progress in the green transition across all regions. By supporting a balanced development of alternative fuels infrastructure, the Cohesion Envelope aims to ensure all Europeans have access to sustainable transport options.

Empowering Innovators and Builders

AFIF welcomes a wide array of applicants, from public bodies to private entities within EU Member States, promoting a collective effort in sculpting the future of transport. Implementing Partners, including the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), along with national promotional banks and commercial financial institutions, are expected to play a key role. These partners will facilitate the combination of CEF grants with other financial mechanisms, maximising the impact and efficiency of investments.

Timelines and Expectations

The initiative is structured around a rolling call for proposals, extending to the end of 2025, with specific deadlines to ensure organised and timely submissions. This phased approach allows for careful planning and realisation of projects, aligning with the EU’s Green Deal objectives and the ambition for a carbon-neutral continent by 2050.

The up coming deadlines are :

  • 24 September 2024
  • 11 June 2025
  • 17 December 2025

The new CEF Transport AFIF will not only enable investments in infrastructures; it fosters EU’s effort for a sustainable, inclusive future where green transport is accessible to everyone. By deploying significant financial resources and encouraging partnerships across the public and private sectors, the initiative is a crucial stride towards minimising the transport sector’s carbon emissions, improving air quality, and fostering sustainable economic growth.

Projects funded under these calls will pave the way to a greener, more sustainable transport network across Europe, marking a significant shift in our mobility, our lives, and our commitment to protecting our planet for future generations.



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