Research Infrastructures Programme

Get the maximum financing Research infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services to research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. They can be used beyond research, for education or public services and can be unidirectional, distributed or virtual. Eligible actions Reducing fragmentation of the research and innovation ecosystem Avoid duplication of efforts To … Read more

European Research Council (ERC)

Get the maximum financing ERC is a body with the aim of promoting quality research with competitive funding and supporting cutting-edge research in all research fields in Europe. Eligible actions Support the best scientific work in Europe in all fields of science, scholarship and engineering Promote “bottom-up” cutting-edge research, fully driven by the researchers themselves … Read more

Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Get the maximum financing European partnerships are initiatives in which the EU, together with public and private partners, commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a research programme and innovation activities in a particular area. This cluster aims to reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity on land, inland waters … Read more

Cluster 5: Climate, energy and mobility

Get the maximum financing European partnerships are initiatives in which the EU, together with public and private partners, commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a research programme and innovation activities in a particular area. This cluster aims to fight climate change by better understanding its causes, evolution, risks, impacts and opportunities, and … Read more


Get the maximum financing Description European Partnerships are initiatives in which the EU Commission and private and/or public partners commit themselves to jointly support the development and implementation of a research and innovation program. They make a significant contribution to achieving the EU’s political priorities, such as the Green Deal, Europe’s digital strategy or pandemic … Read more

Just Transition Mechanism

Get the maximum financing The Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) is a key tool to ensure that the transition to a climate-neutral economy happens in a fair way, leaving no one behind. Eligible actions Investments in renewable energies and green and sustainable mobility, including the promotion of green hydrogenefficient district heating networks.Public researchDigitisationEnvironmental infrastructure for smart … Read more

Single Market (SMP)​

Get the maximum financing The Single Market Programme (SMP) covers the single market, the competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, the area of plants, animals, food and feed, and European statistics. Eligible actions The Internal Market: The SMP aims to ensure that citizens and businesses enjoy the benefits of the Internal Market and, … Read more

Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)​

Get the maximum financing The program covers basic, new, sustainable and low carbon steelmaking and finishing processes. Elegibles actions The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) provides funding for high-quality research, pilot and demonstration projects, which support the competitiveness and sustainability of future low-emission industries in line with the European Green Deal. Open call … Read more

Innovation Fund

Innovation Fund: Development of innovative low-carbon technologies

Innovation Fund: Development of innovative low-carbon technologies Fernando Gomez Innovation Fund: Development of innovative low-carbon technologies The Innovation Fund (IF) program is one of the most important global initiatives for financing the development of innovative low-carbon technologies. The new DG CLIMA programme will provide a great opportunity to generate truly innovative projects, ideas and technologies … Read more

Company liquidity

Improve your company´s liquidity

Improve your company´s liquidity Maria Victòria Palau Chemical engineer and Business Administration and Management graduate with more than 16 years of experience in the management and execution of projects in the area of innovation. Currently working as Key Account Manager of Euro-Funding. Settings HOW CAN YOUR COMPANY IMPROVE THE LIQUIDITY The current global economic situation … Read more