Keys to efficient driving

Keys to efficient driving

Did you know that speed is one of the factors that most influences fuel consumption? And that the use of heating and air conditioning increases consumption by up to 25%? And that Google Maps allows you to use eco-friendly routes? As one of the objectives set for the year 2022 in our ISO 5000 Energy Management System, we present some keys to drive efficiently and achieve a reduction in fuel consumption in our office cars and reduce, in addition to environmental pollution, our Organisational Carbon Footprint.

As one of the objectives set for the year 2022 in our ISO 50001 Energy Management System, Euro-Funding presents some quick tips to drive efficiently and reduce fuel consumption in the cars in our offices and reduce, in addition to environmental pollution, our Organisational Carbon Footprint.

How can we drive more efficiently?

The keys to success for more efficient driving:

  • Start without accelerating. To give the car’s oil time to lubricate properly, wait a few seconds before starting the engine.
  • First gear, only when starting off. Use first gear when starting off, without using the accelerator too much. Shift into second gear after two seconds or 5-6 metres.
  • Shift gears earlier. Accelerate progressively, without putting the pedal to the floor. As our engines are diesel, they can be changed between 1,300-2,000 revolutions.
  • Longer gears are better. Use high gears at low revs for as long as possible. It is in low gears that diesel consumption rises and, consequently, more polluting gases are emitted.
  • Drive at a constant speed. Drive as evenly as possible, without accelerating or braking unnecessarily, thus limiting the waste of energy and fuel. And not just for safety: speed is one of the most important factors influencing fuel consumption.
  • Anticipation and foresight. Keeping a safe distance to anticipate unforeseen events also makes our driving more efficient, as well as safer.
  • Prioritise engine braking. When decelerating, take your foot off the accelerator and let the vehicle roll with the gear engaged. The engine will act as a brake and consumption will be zero. Also, turn off the engine during long stops and try not to accelerate before stopping the engine.
  • On slopes. When going uphill, it is advisable to delay, as far as possible, downshifting and accelerate slightly. On downhills, it is more efficient to ride in high gears and roll by inertia (always avoiding any risky situation).
  • Avoid overloading. Extra weight and roof racks can increase fuel consumption by up to 35%.
  • Plan your route. Using a GPS will save unnecessary turns, fuel and traffic, providing alternative routes. Google Maps has eco-routes available.
  • Active maintenance. Report any incidents or dashboard lights when you return the car to the office. For example, proper tyre pressure will prevent overfueling and extend the life of your tyres.
  • Heating or air, only if necessary. Heated windows, heating and, above all, air conditioning increase fuel consumption by up to 25%. It is advisable to keep the interior temperature between 21-22°C.
  • Roll up the windows. Open windows increase driving resistance and increase fuel consumption by 5%. To ventilate the car, it is best to use ventilation devices.

Which are the environmental benefits of our cars?

Euro-Funding has a fleet of vehicles with AdBlue technology. A purification system that reduces the environmental pollution produced by diesel engines, as it reduces nitrogen oxides by up to 90%, improves fuel consumption, eliminates 99.9% of particles and optimises CO2 emissions. All environmental benefits.

Visiting a client? Use Google Maps eco-routes

If you regularly visit a client and use a company car, we invite you to try eco-routes in the Google Maps app. A new function that shows more efficient routes with fuel consumption estimates according to the type of vehicle engine. The more fuel-efficient the route, the lower the fuel consumption and the lower the CO2 emissions.

What factors are taken into account to calculate the most efficient route?

  • The average fuel consumption of vehicles in your region
  • The level of elevation on the route
  • The stop-and-go patterns in traffic
  • And the types of roads, such as local roads or motorways.

The application proposes the most fuel-efficient route if it has approximately the same arrival time as the fastest route. In cases where fuel savings are too small or driving time increases significantly, Maps displays the relative fuel savings between routes to help you compare.

¿Qué factores se tienen en cuenta para calcular la ruta más eficiente?

  • El consumo medio de combustible de vehículos en tu región
  • El nivel de elevación en la ruta
  • Los patrones de parada y reanudación de la marcha en el tráfico
  • Y los tipos de carreteras, como las locales o las autopistas

La aplicación propone la ruta con mayor ahorro de combustible si ésta tiene, aproximadamente, la misma hora de llegada que la ruta más rápida. En los casos en los que el ahorro de combustible es demasiado pequeño o el tiempo de conducción aumenta considerablemente, Maps muestra el ahorro de combustible relativo entre las rutas para ayudarte a comparar.

At Euro-Funding we accompany our clients in the process of implementing energy efficiency measures and the development of actions that reduce environmental impact through the development of specialised consultancy services, adapted to legal needs and obligations.



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