EU Projects Secures Funding for Two Remarkable Projects in Circular Bio-Based Industries Call

A Competitive Landscape

The new year has begun with a resounding success for EU Projects, as they proudly announce their achievement in securing funding for not one but two outstanding European projects as part of the Circular Bio-Based Industries (CBE) call. In this exciting development, Euro-Funding, a strategic partner, actively participates in one of these groundbreaking projects. This double accomplishment underscores EU Projects’ steadfast dedication to research, innovation, and the promotion of the circular economy within the European Union. 

The competition was fierce, as evidenced by the overwhelming response to the CBE call: 162 proposals were submitted but only 30 of them have been selected for a total funding. 

A snapshot of the results for the key topics of the 2 winning proposals:

Recycling bio-based plastics increasing sorting and recycled content (upcycling)

Call code: HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-04

Topic budget: €15 million 

10 proposals submitted requesting a total of €72 million in funding.

Results: 2 proposals emerged as winners. 

Robust and optimised industrial biotech and chemical/industrial biotech processes:

Call code: HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-03 

Topic budget: €10 million 

29 proposals submitted requesting an impressive €144 million in funding. 

Results: 2 proposals secured funding. 

Score: An outstanding 15/15 in the project evaluation, marking the highest score achieved! 

Impressively, the HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-03 project, stood out with its perfect score of 15 out of 15 in all evaluation criteria: Excellence, Impact, and Quality and efficiency of the implementation. 

Evaluating the Proposals

The evaluation process for these proposals is rigorous, involving three critical criteria that shape their fate: 

  1. **Excellence**: This criterion assesses the clarity and relevance of project objectives, emphasizing an ambitious approach that transcends existing norms. It requires a solid framework for innovation.
  1. **Impact**: Evaluators scrutinize proposed pathways, assessing the project’s potential contributions and the quality of measures in place to maximize outcomes.
  1. **Quality and efficiency of implementation**: This criterion demands an effective work plan that navigates risks and allocates resources in alignment with the project’s goals. Only the most robust and visionary proposals emerge victorious from this evaluative journey.

Looking Ahead to CBE 2024 and our services

Exciting news awaits as the final Work Programme for CBE 2024 has been launched this January, with all topics now available for exploration. Euro-Funding eagerly shares this information and looks forward to continuing their support for consortiums in securing funding for excellent and innovative CBE proposals. 

Euro-Funding offers a range of services during the proposal preparation phase and until the submission deadline, including consortium management, partnering (if needed), proposal writing, budgeting, administrative support, contact with EC officers and NCPs, as well as legal advice for Consortium Agreement preparation and negotiation. 

In closing, EU Projects extends their gratitude to all those involved in this remarkable achievement. They eagerly anticipate the successful realization of these pioneering projects in the Circular Bio-Based Industries. Stay tuned for more updates on their journey towards a sustainable and innovative future! 



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