EIC Accelerator October 2024 results
EIC Accelerator October 2024 results Carolina AragonesesSettings In the latest 2024 cut-off, 71 companies were selected for funding from a highly competitive pool of 1,211
Economy today, 20 Minutos and Europa press echo a press release published by Euro-Funding which announces the extension of the application period for the call on energy efficiency in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector.
This extension of the deadline will be effective in eleven autonomous communities, which will be the following: Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Andalucía, Extremadura, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León, Galicia, La Rioja and Navarra.
The call will remain open until June 2021.
At Euro-Funding we analyze the environmental profile of our clients and help them in the process of integrating methodologies against climate change. Within the process we take into account the different emission factors for the integration of the most appropriate actions for each sector of activity, while reducing energy costs through the optimization of production processes.
El Economista and Cinco Días refer to the press release published by Euro-Funding in which it reminds that the call for energy efficiency in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector reaches its final stage, being December 31, 2020 the deadline for applications.
This call aims to promote the implementation of actions that reduce carbon dioxide emissions and final energy consumption of SMEs and industrial companies.
This call is a non-refundable grant with an amount of 30% of the economic effort in efficient investments.
At Euro-Funding, thanks to our environmental consulting service, we have extensive experience in the management of this call, with a success rate of 94.3% in projects managed.
EIC Accelerator October 2024 results Carolina AragonesesSettings In the latest 2024 cut-off, 71 companies were selected for funding from a highly competitive pool of 1,211
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