The European competitiveness compass: unlocking new investment opportunities
The European competitiveness compass: unlocking new investment opportunities Andreu RodellasSettings The European Union is at a critical juncture in its
EUROSTARS is a programme to support R&D-intensive SMEs in the development of market-oriented transnational projects.
Eurostars integrates specific improvement measures with the aim of reducing procurement times, cutting administration and achieving greater synchronisation and integration of funding.
This funding programme involves up to 37 European countries that are members of the EUREKA network, and since 2016, Canada and South Africa have also participated. The amount of funding is managed by the National Funding Agencies.
The projects to be funded must be technically disruptive compared to the state of the art and have a clear market orientation, with a maximum of 2 years of market entry from the completion of the development project. This means that projects will be funded if they are at a stage of technological development corresponding to a TRL4-6 at the start of the project.
To support SMEs conducting research and developing innovative products, processes and services, in order to gain a competitive advantage.
Eligibility criteria:
The project consortium is led by an innovative SME from one country. The application in Spain must include at least one Spanish company, partner of the Eurostars project, which will be the main contractor. The funding of the Spanish members of the Eurostars consortium is done through the Eurostars consortium.
The project consortium is composed of entities from at least two participating countries, with at least one organisation coming from an EU country or associated to Horizon Europe.
The SME budget of the participating countries (excluding any subcontracting) is equal to or more than 50% of the total project cost.
The project duration is 36 months or less.
No restrictions in terms of thematic area and civil purpose.
Eligible Countries will be member countries present in Eureka.
Pending to be published
The lead participant must be an SME performing R&D activities.
The consortium must be well balanced (no single participant or country is responsible for more than 75%) – Average of 3-4 participants from 2-3 different countries. Even if an organisation is based outside the member countries, it may be eligible to participate in a Eurostars project in addition to the minimum of two participants established in two different Euros.
The amount of Eurostars funding your organisation receives when participating in a project is managed by your National Funding Body. Funding rules vary from country to country and your National Funding Body decides:
The upper limit for subcontracting by a company is 50% of its total eligible cost.
The European competitiveness compass: unlocking new investment opportunities Andreu RodellasSettings The European Union is at a critical juncture in its
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