The EIC Transition programme from the European Innovation Council (EIC) is a funding initiative within Horizon Europe to support the growth and validation of innovative technologies furthermore to the trial phase at the labs. Its objective is to facilitate the technological advances transition towards its application in the market through development and commercialization strategies.

The main objective of the EIC Transition is to help transform technological discoveries into commercial impact innovations. It funds technological validation activities on relevant areas and the business model development for its introduction in the market.

The EIC Transition does not have thematic preset priorities, and it is open to proposals on any field of the science, technology or its “application”. The programme provides funding with the total indicative budget of 2,5 million of euros per project, covering the 100% of the eligible costs. Moreover, there are additional subventions up to 50.000 euros for complementary activities focused on searching for commercialization routes or enhance synergies withing the EIC projects wallet. The funding includes:

  • Development and technological validation in a relevant field (stating on TRL3/4 and reaching TRL 5/6).
  • Commercial strategy and business plan development to the exploit of the results.
  • Access to business acceleration services, mentoring and investor networks and industrial experts.

Eligibility Requirements and Proposals

The EIC Transition is a key tool to enhance the technology transfer in Europe, helping the innovations to cross a gap between research and its commercial adaption. The proposals have to be based on results gathered by projects funded by the EU, such as:

  • EIC Pathfinder (Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funded projects included, such FET-Open y FET-Proactive).
  • ERC Proof of Concept under Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe.
  • Research and innovation actions (RIA) under the pillars of Horizon 2020 y Horizon Europe.
  • European Defence Fund projects (EDF), as far as they are focused on civil application (including double use).

Proposals can be represented by:

  • Individual entities settled on a Member State or an Associated Country, including start-ups, SMEs and research organisations.
  • Small consortiums of two legal independent entities from different Member States or Associated Countries.
  • Consortium between three and five legal independent entities, fulfilling the standard rules of participation in programmes.

The applicant will have to prove that it is the owner, the intellectual property rights titular or that they have the required rights to commercialize the results of one of these eligible projects.

Key aspects for Securing Support

To do a first evaluation if your project could take advantage of this line of funding, answer the following questions:

  1. ¿Have you identified the results of the trial project with the concept Pathfinder, FET, ERCC, RIA or EDF that can be useful as a base for revolutionary innovations and new businesses?
  2. ¿Is this new technology ready to progress towards its maturity and validation on specific applications?   
  3. ¿Do you plan on creating a diverse and motivated team with entrepreneurs to develop the idea and improve its readiness to the market?


Opening date

Next deadline

Deadline model


EIC Transition Open 2025

1 January 2025

17 September 2025


Scope: Europe

Maximum Budget : 2.500.000 €

Cut-off date: 12/04/2023

Organisation: European Commission

Nature of the project: Business Development - R&D


Individual applicants (SMEs, spin-offs, start-ups, research organisations, universities) or small consortia with a maximum of five partners can apply.

The majority of funding will be awarded through open calls without pre-defined thematic priorities.

This open funding is designed to enable the support of any technology and innovation that cuts across different scientific, technological, sectoral and application fields or represents novel combinations.

The maximum grant will be €2.5 million.


Vaidas Palinauskas
Nature Research Centre
A perfect example of a 3 in 1 company: smooth process, professional and pleasant to work with.
Elena Casiraghi
Università degli Studi di MIlano
Kindness, experience, ability to understanding and integrate different research languages/views
Manuel Menéndez Muñiz
Very close team and well managed.
Jose Manuel Rodriguez
Well organized work, with filtered request to what really matters.
David Martín Gómez
- Charles III University of Madrid
I would like to point out that the elaboration of the proposal was steered with a lot of detail and efficiency.
Tania Tisheva
It was great meeting you and I am looking forward to working with you in the future. The professionalism of your team is excellent. I am very thankful for the guidance and cooperation during the whole process.
Alberta Aversa
Politecnico di Torino
cooperation rapid and effective.
Samuel Martínez
Circular in Motion B.V.
Excellent team in place which has been instrumental in assisting the creation of a robust application, which otherwise would have been very difficult for us to complete it. Their understanding of the process, deliverables required, and key areas to consider, is essential to increase the application success probability.
Daniel Edenholm
Sysarb AB
We would not have come this far without your help.
Fleming Pedersen Dambo
Staccato Technologies
I couldn't have done the application without the support from Euro-Funding Their expertise and guidance was invaluable.
Klas Ehnemark
Knowing Company
Very positive to have strength in both business development and technology at the same time. Now we have a really good business plan.
Pablo Pérez
The experience of working with Euro-Funding has been both exciting and demanding because. The level of the consultants has been professional from an emotional intelligence and technical speaking perspective.
Manuel Grases
I would recommend working with Euro-Funding. The level of professionalism is evident in the company. The process was exactly what we required.
Cristina Ferreras
Venter Pharma
Euro-Funding helped us in a very professional and efficient way in all the steps of the preparation of the proposal. We consider the proposal to be of a very high standard. Without their help, we would not have been able to have the proposal in time and with such high quality.
Mátyás Péter
Medres Kft. / Cardiosight Ltd.
Despite a tight deadline, the team at Euro-Funding managed to accomplish the task and delivered an excellent grant proposal. It was a pleasure working with them.



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