The Deep Tech investment paradox
The Deep Tech investment paradox Isabel MilllánSettings Deep Tech represents scientific and engineering breakthroughs that address global challenges like climate
European partnerships are initiatives in which the EU, together with public and private partners, commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a research programme and innovation activities in a particular area.
Cluster 1 is where the most competitive projects are included, the classic collaborative projects from previous Framework Programs and which bring together researchers, companies, research centers and universities.
The Horizon Europe’s partnerships under Cluster 1 are:
Pending publication
Scope: Europe
Budget: 8.246 M€
Organism: European comission
Aim of the project: R+D projects in the field of Health-
Any type of organization can apply for funding from Horizon Europe as long as it has the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks it proposes.
Direct and indirect costs.
The Deep Tech investment paradox Isabel MilllánSettings Deep Tech represents scientific and engineering breakthroughs that address global challenges like climate
Boosting Europe’s Competitiveness Through Research and Innovation Marie LatourSettings Insights from the Commission’s Expert Group on the Interim Evaluation of
Get the maximum financing Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is the funding instrument for strategic investments in transport, energy and digital infrastructure to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness in the EU and contribute to deliver the European Green Deal. Eligible measures CEF Transport supports the construction and upgrade of sustainable transport
Get the maximum financing The European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) supports the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy, the EU Maritime Policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance. Eligible actions Towards sustainable and low-carbon fisheries Protection of biodiversity and marine ecosystems the supply of healthy and