Lack of relevant financial
guarantees | CDTI Cervera Transfer

Lack of relevant financial guarantees | cdti Cervera Transfer

With the aim of strengthening the activity of the best technology centres and encouraging business innovation in Spain, CDTI presented “Cervera Transfer” programme. The programme will finance R&D projects carried out by SMEs and midcaps (in collaboration with technology centres) with 500 million euros.

Since then, many companies have been interested in this programme and Euro-Funding is working to help boost their most innovative projects.

One aspect that worries many SMEs is financial guarantees. In this case, the Cervera Transfer programme is presented as a more than interesting alternative for receiving financing without having to deposit a relevant amount of guarantees. As it says in its bases:

“A guarantee of 5% will be requested on the loan granted. If the economic-financial evaluation establishes a volume of guarantees greater than 5%, the company will be able to take advantage of the Technical Provision Fund for its reduction up to the minimum requested (5%), up to a maximum coverage of 1,000,000 euros.

The Technical Provision Fund was created for the first time with this programme with the aim of helping SMEs. With this fund, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as CDTI bet on the creation of a business fabric where R&D, driven by cooperation between institutes and SMEs, is one of the central axes to improve the ecosystem of our companies.

Additionally, it is also necessary to take into account the projects whose technologies are limited to the themes included in this programme “Cervera priority technologies” and aligned with the European framework:

  • Advanced materials
  • Eco-Innovation
  • Energy transition
  • Intelligent manufacturing
  • Health technologies
  • Safe and healthy food chain
  • Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced mobile networks
  • Intelligent transport
  • Protection of information

The projects must demonstrate a differential technological aspect over the existing technologies in the market.

For all these reasons, we are facing a very good opportunity to turn into reality the most disruptive technological ideas that allow us to demonstrate the strong R&D character of national companies and technology centres, bringing this research closer to the market.

At Euro-Funding  have been managing public funds for more than 20 years to finance R&D projects, industrial investments, business development or energy efficiency of innovative companies, universities, technology centres and research organisations.



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