Sustainability Plan

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Many companies today need to develop a sustainability plan if they want to effectively combat relevant issues such as climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. The elaboration and development of a corporate sustainability plan helps companies to have a better public image, greater efficiency and better brand representation.

What is a sustainability plan?

The sustainability plan is a document that defines and describes all actions related to the reduction of a company’s environmental impact. The objective of a sustainability plan in organisations is to add value and reduce risks in the medium and long term. It is a strategy focused on achieving the company’s objectives in a sustainable and organised way.

The main objective is to build an agenda of sustainability actions-commitments through a structured plan, with the participation of selected internal managers and stakeholders of the organisation, which contemplates a specific time horizon and allows the subsequent deployment of sustainability, helping to boost the framework of the business strategy, brand positioning and profitability objectives.

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    European VAT

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    What kind of companies are they targeting?

    A sustainability plan is aimed at all types of companies, regardless of sector and size. Due to the nature of the service and the corresponding objective, it is mainly focused on companies that are starting to develop their environmental, social and good governance commitments, as well as the creation of new departments and demand from suppliers, clients and/or potential investors.

    Benefits of having a sustainability plan

    Developing and implementing a sustainability plan is an efficient way to achieve sustainability in the organisation and has numerous advantages:

    • Anticipating customer needs: customer demand for more sustainable products and services.
    • Environmental, social and governance compliance.
    • Brand positioning and competitive advantage.
    • Proactive engagement with other stakeholders.
    • Improved sustainability management with cost reduction and savings: sustainability plans involve the implementation of measures to promote savings and efficiencies.
    • Responding to the needs of employees.
    • Deployment lever of the Strategic Plan.
    • Optimise access to finance.


    At Euro-Funding we guide you in all questions related to your sustainability plan. We focus on the development and implementation of the plan and analyse all issues related to the sustainability of your company. We offer a technical consultancy service for the development of your sustainability plans.

    How do we develop our sustainability plans?

    To ensure the achievement of the project, Euro-Funding focuses on the following approaches and critical success factors:

    • Configuration of a participative structure: Sustainability Committee + Priority Stakeholders seeking maximum involvement, recognition and consensus in the definition of actions for the Sustainability Action Agenda.
    • Define real, contrasted, consensual actions with an impact on business strategy and business profitability to rationalise sustainability management in the Company.
    • To position and consolidate the Company as one of the benchmarks in sustainable conduct in the sector and to promote among its stakeholders that this conduct must be the model to be followed.
    • To guarantee the dissemination of the Sustainability Plan that is drawn up.
    • Establish solid control and monitoring of the project, with criteria and standards that ensure the quality of deliverables, compliance with deadlines and minimisation of associated risks.

    Main points of a sustainability plan

    An effective sustainability plan has to take into account three fundamental pillars: 

    Economic development

    • Good Governance
    • Anti-corruption and bribery
    • Transparency
    • Codes of Conduct
    • Compliance


    Social development​

    • Social welfare support
    • Supply Chain
    • Customers-Consumers
    • People in the organisation

    Care for the environment

    • Fighting climate change / Decarbonisation
    • Circular economy / Reduction of waste, raw materials and landfills
    • Local consumption
    • Sustainable mobility
    • Biodiversity protection


    Sustainability Report Services

    The sustainability report is the main tool available to companies to communicate, on a voluntary basis, their performance or impact in environmental, social and corporate governance matters. The information included in the sustainability report is relevant for both internal and external stakeholders (customers, suppliers and/or potential investors). Ampliar información Sustainability

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    Environmental Aids

    Environmental aid is intended for the development of projects of general interest and is considered to be of social interest in the protection of the environment. For the purposes of the purposes of social interest in environmental protection, activities of social interest are understood to be all those activities derived

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    Environmental risk analysis

    Since October 2018 (Law 26/2007), companies must have a financial guarantee to enable them to meet the environmental liability inherent to the activity they carry out. This Law establishes that the amount of the financial guarantee will be determined on the basis of an Environmental Risk Analysis of the activity.

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    Carbon footprint certificate

    Para toda empresa que tenga en consideración la lucha contra el cambio climático debe empezar por medir su huella de carbono de organización o corporativa.  La Huella de Carbono es el cálculo de la totalidad de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) emitidos por efecto directo o indirecto por un individuo,

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    Energy audit

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    Life cycle analysis

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) refers to the complete study of the environmental impact that a product or service can generate in the different phases of its life, from the extraction of raw materials to the use and end of life of the product, once it has been discarded as waste. 

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