Horizon 2020 work
programme for the last year

horizon 2020 work programme

The European Commission has published the new Horizon 2020 Work Programme for the last year of the 2018-2020 period. The lines of action that will close the program are presented, with a budget amounting to 11,000 million euros.

Five main areas of work have been defined for this work program:

  • Increased investment in R&D projects related to sustainable development and climate change
  • Integration of digitalization in all industrial technologies and social challenges
  • Strengthening of international cooperation in R&D
  • Research into the safety of society
  • Market creating innovation

Deadlines European Funds

Coordination and management of collaborative projects

With this last work program, the framework program H2020 is closed. This new content revitalizes and realigns the program to the emerging priorities and, very importantly, it also connects with the next research and development framework program for innovation: Horizon Europe.

During the period 2014-2018, Spain has obtained 3,638.1 million euros in grants from the European Horizon 2020 program (2014-2020). This is the best part during the period of validity of the 7th Framework Program, as well as the total of the grants, as well as the position and the return by Spain, which was then the sixth country, with 8.3% EU – 28. According to CDTI sources.

From Euro-Funding we provide a comprehensive support service in obtaining funds from H2020 to turn an idea into a workable project. From the preparation and presentation of the proposal in front of the funding agency, as well as the support at the level of Project Management to coordination and management of the aid if financed:

  • Support in the preparation of proposals.
  • Support in the process of validation and signing of the financing agreement.
  • Support in the justification and execution of the project.

We have a highly qualified team with more than 20 years of experience making easer the access of companies to European Financing with an average success ratio of 75% of approved proposals and 50% of funded proposals.

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