Plan para el sector turístico

New Plan for the Tourism Sector

New plan for the tourism sector PLAN FOR THE MODERNIZATION AND COMPETITIVENESS OF THE TOURISM SECTOR The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, presented the Modernization and Competitiveness Plan for the tourism sector, which will involve a public investment of 3,400 million euros over the next three years and will form part of … Read more

Webinar Summary

Webinar Summary: Maximize your 2020-2022 Tax Strategy

Webinar Summary: Maximize Your 2020-2022 Tax Strategy Webinar Summary: Maximize Your 2020-2022 Tax Strategy Tax incentives are some of the great opportunities that companies have when it comes to recovering the money invested in previous years. On November 12, 2020 took place the webinar “Maximize your tax strategy 2020-2022” in which our colleague Victoria Palau, … Read more

Avoid inflated local tax assessments

Avoid inflated local tax rates characteristics of the business tax We detail the main characteristics of the tax on economic activities, a direct tax whose taxable event is constituted by business activities.  Although the regulation of the management, qualification of activities in tariffs and instruction is state, this does not imply that an activity has … Read more


“We maximize the approval rate of projects” Interview

“We maximize the approval rating of projects” Interview We maximize the approval rate of projects Our colleague Victoria Palau has attended an interview in Radio Empresa 360, where she has made known the work of Euro-Funding since its inception, responding to the tax deduction for R & D as aid management and other services to … Read more

Webinar Summary: EIC Financing Instruments

Webinar Summary: EIC Financing Instruments European Innovation Council funding instruments On October 27th we held a webinar on the new funding instruments of the EIC (European Innovation Council) in Horizon Europe.  In the session, we highlighted the boost that Horizon Europe wants to give to the European Innovation Ecosystem, and in particular to the newly … Read more

Webinar Summary: Cluster 4

Webinar Summary: Cluster 4 Clúster 4 Horizon Europe Horizon Europe, the new Framework Program of the European Union in charge of replacing H2020 poses a new scenario that has brought many doubts among companies seeking European funds for the development of projects, which is why from Euro-Funding we have launched a series of webinars to … Read more


Financing of cooperative R&D projects

Main national calls for funding of cooperative R&D projects main national calls for funding of cooperative R&D projects In the coming days, some of the main national calls for cooperative R&D project funding will be published. These calls are endowed with funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, so it will be essential to pay … Read more

Business tax

The special IAE taxation of sectors in crisis

Latest news of the business activites tax CHANGE IN TAXATION FOR THOSE COMPANIES IN DIFFICULTY The current crisis that we are experiencing affects many sectors in our country and is causing a critical political situation. This crisis is resulting in a general shortage of raw materials, leading many companies to slow down their production rate … Read more

Renovación certificados ISO

Renewal of our ISO certificates

Renewal of our ISO certificates RENOVATION OF OUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Euro Funding is pleased to announce the renewal for the fourth consecutive year of our Integrated Management System, which includes the following certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 50001: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 50001. A renewal that is added to the ISO 27001 standard … Read more

First calls for proposals portal customizable: Grants at a click

First calls for proposals portal customizable: Grants at a click THE PORTAL THAT WILL HELP YOU TO FIND OUT WHAT SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE Euro-Funding is pleased to announce the launch of “Ayudas a un Clic”, the first customizable public aid portal, with the purpose of facilitating access to information on all public calls for proposals … Read more