Avoid inflated
local tax rates

characteristics of the business tax

We detail the main characteristics of the tax on economic activities, a direct tax whose taxable event is constituted by business activities.

 Although the regulation of the management, qualification of activities in tariffs and instruction is state, this does not imply that an activity has the same amount of tax in all the municipalities, due to other reasons such as the weighting coefficient, the situation coefficient and provincial surcharge that is applied on the quotas that derive from the tariffs.

It is important to emphasize that once the calculation of the quota of the tax is made, the regulation allows a series of bonuses, the most common being:

  • Allowance for the start of activity
  • For the creation of stable employment
  • For environmental protection actions such as the use of facilities for the use of renewable energies.
  • For carrying out economic activities of special interest or municipal utility.

At Euro-Funding we analyze the taxation associated with real estate and the economic activities that are carried out in them to determine the possibilities of reduction of: IBI, IAE, ICIO, Plusvalía (IIVTNU), etc. We are experts in achieving tax savings in local and regional taxation with a model of remuneration for success.

Our technology allows us to increase the success rate in the analyzed files. We analyze all types of real estate: industries, hotels, shopping centers, offices, hospitals, golf courses, etc.



EIC Accelerator October 2024 results

EIC Accelerator October 2024 results Carolina AragonesesSettings In the latest 2024 cut-off, 71 companies were selected for funding from a highly competitive pool of 1,211

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