Driving the EU’s Green Transition
Driving the EU’s Green Transition: Innovation Fund Launches New Calls for Proposals David García ArrateSettings The European Union has once
This cluster aims to overcome the challenges arising from security threats, both natural and man-made disasters as well as cyber.
Pending to be published
Ámbit: Europe
Budget: 1.596 M€
Organism: European Comission
Aim of the project: Segurity R&D Project
Any type of organization can apply for funding from Horizon Europe as long as it has the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks it proposes.
Direct or indirect costs
Driving the EU’s Green Transition: Innovation Fund Launches New Calls for Proposals David García ArrateSettings The European Union has once
EIC announces €300M STEP scale up call for scaling Europe’s strategic tech innovations Elena PerezSettings The European Innovation Council Announces
The I3 instrument aims to promote innovation through smart specialization and interregional collaboration. It must bring together researchers, companies, civil
Get the maximum financing This horizontal pillar is transversal and complementary to all the financing schemes in Horizon Europe and